3 Natural Ways To Grow Lush Eye Lashes

Natural Ways To Grow Lush Eye Lashes

Eyes are the windows to the soul. Big, bright eyes become the highlight of a confident personality. And when you want to steal the thunder at a party – there’s no better way to do it then enhancing your eyes. Some people are naturally blessed with pretty eyes – they don’t even need words – their eyes (actually, their long eye lashes) speak volumes wherever they go. But, others aren’t quite as lucky. If you too desire naturally fuller and longer eyelashes without the hassle of using eyelash extensions or fake lashes, read on.

Brush some olive oil

Brush some olive oil

Olive oil is just the right natural solution for almost every problem in life. So, your eyelashes are not an exception to the case. In fact, brushing some olive oil on your eyelashes every day is the easiest way to stop your eyelashes from shedding away and also inspire natural growth of the same.

All you have to do is dip a mascara brush in olive oil, and apply it to your eyelashes. It is all the better if the brush is a disposable one. Plus, if you can combine other essential oils with the olive one, such as lavender and almond oils, then this will work like magic on your eyelashes.

Get an eyelash growth serum

An eyelash growth serum is one of the best ways to ensure longer, fuller eyelashes for your pretty eyes. However, make sure to check the ingredient list of the serum before you purchase one.

Often, the one with plant-based ingredients work best. But don’t brush aside the ones with good medical chemicals – they might do more good for your eyes than just offering an adequate growth for your eyelashes.

Check out Okdermo’s eyelash growth serum for best results. Okdermo company’s serum not only offers you longer, fuller, better eyelashes, but also helps in treating glaucoma. In just two to three months, you will be able to see how miraculously this serum works to enhance the appearance and health of your eyes.

Comb your eyelashes

Comb your eyelashes

While science doesn’t exactly back this natural formula for eyelash growth, we can’t deny that combing anything regularly does enhance the subject of your attention. Why should the case for your eyelashes be any different?

Get a foldable comb which allows you to brush your eyelashes and even your eyebrow. Use it regularly and see how it makes your eyelashes appear longer and fuller over time. Most combs can be folded into the smallest of sizes to fit your purse.

Not only is this one of the most natural ways to grow and nourish your eyelashes, this also saves space in your grooming kit – an unfulfilled dream for most women even today!

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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