4 Simple Ways You Can Improve the Environment

Throughout your life, you have been told about how certain things you do or certain products you buy have a negative impact on the environment. And this information is true—as a society, we have started producing more harmful chemicals and using more harmful processes that have a very negative effect on our environment.


From our modes of transportation to the manufacturing process used to create the furniture in our home, we are killing our environment at a fast rate. According to an article by Wave Home Solutions, our current air and water is worse than the air and water we had 100 years ago, and we need to take steps in order to create take steps in order to create healthy air and water again.


While completely changing the health of our air and water may require large companies to use more sustainable practices, there are things you can do to improve the environment.


  1. Use rainwater when possible.

The water supplies in the world have become more contaminated over the years. Pollutants in the air get into the water supply, whether lakes, streams, or wells, and this contaminates the water. Some companies have also been accused of polluting water by dumping hazardous waste in water sources that supply drinking water to residents of the area. Plus, common practices such as fracking have also resulted in harmful gasses getting inside water supplies.


When people use this contaminated water, whether for drinking/cooking or for watering plants, it has a negative impact on the environment. Not only is this water contaminated, but continuing to use it and put it back into the ground will cause the cycle to repeat. This is why it’s a better idea to use rainwater.


Using rainwater has many benefits. Not only is it free, but it’s also much better for the environment. When you use rain water to water your plants, you’re using natural, uncontaminated water. This means that the plants will not be susceptible to receiving the harmful chemicals and contaminants found in the other water source, and you’re now placing this rainwater back into the ground. This also helps to reduce the amount of harmful chemicals getting back into the soil, air, and water supplies we use on a regular basis.


  1. Reduce your carbon footprint.

You may not think that reducing your personal carbon footprint will have an impact on the environment, but it will. Our society is burning through our natural resources at a rapid pace, which is why we’re constantly using bad environmental practices like fracking in order to access more natural resources. If you reduce your carbon footprint, you can help reduce the supply of natural resources that are needed, and this can save our environment.


For example, try to reduce the amount of energy you use in your home. Make sure that you turn off lights in rooms you aren’t in, and replace traditional light bulbs with LED bulbs that use less energy and last much longer. You should also unplug any electrical items, such as lights, appliances, or even phone charges, when they’re not in use. Just because you’re not charging your phone doesn’t meant that your phone charger isn’t using any energy just sitting in the outlet—because it is.

Saving Electricity

You should also look for ways to reduce your carbon footprint while at work. Try starting a sustainability campaign through the office. Get your boss to invest in motion sensored lights, which will turn off automatically when not in use. You can also start a company carpool so that you reduce the amount of gasses that enter the air on a daily basis. Try investing in green products for the office too, such as an ENERGY STAR printer. This will use less energy than other manufacturer models.


  1. Use an air filtration system.

Having an air filtration system installed in your home can also help the environment. Air filtration systems remove the contaminants and other harmful substances in the air in your home and filter them in an environmentally friendly manner. This will not only improve the air quality in your home, but it will also improve the air quality in the environment as well.


  1. Plant trees.

Trees are essential to having clean air. They produce oxygen that we need to breathe, and they can create more purified air by removing harmful gasses and pollutants from the air. If you want to improve the environment, consider planting some trees. If you have a big enough yard, be sure to plant some trees on your own property. If not, try volunteering for a company that does plant trees throughout your neighborhood.



Article Submitted By Community Writer.

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