4 Ways that Farmers Can Be More Eco-Conscious (for the Land and for Themselves)

Farmers Can Be More Eco-Conscious

In the face of growing global threats like climate change and mass extinction, we need to make sure that we are doing everything that we can to take care of the planet. At the end of the day, a healthy planet means a healthier and more thriving human race. There are many things that you can do in your day to day life to live greener, such as recycling, using public transport, reducing your use of single-use plastics, and more.

Why we should be more eco-conscious?

But as a society, we need to start thinking about how all types of industries and professions impact the environment. One of the most important professions this affects is farmers. If you are a farmer, you know how important the land around you is and how you need to protect it. Moving into the future of environmental protection, one of the best things to do is to become environmentally conscious. Read on to learn about 4 things you can do to make your farming practices more environmentally friendly for your land and for yourself.

1.   Being More Aware When Using Pesticides and Herbicides


When it comes to modern mass farming, pesticides have become an important element for ensuring a bountiful and protected crop. But when using pesticides and herbicides, you should make sure you do ample research on the one you choose. For example, there are many environmentally friendly options out there. It is also important to consider your own health and safety when it comes to the use of pesticide and herbicides.

In recent years multiple lawsuits have surfaced regarding the popular herbicide RoundUp and its linkage to a rise in cancers. RoundUp cancer lawyers found that these suits can be highly successful in securing justice for those affected.

Forced use of dangerous illness-causing chemicals should not be an automatic requirement for being a farmer. There are safer alternatives!

2.   Conserving Water

Another thing that you can do as a farmer to be more environmentally conscious is to be conservative about your water use. In many places across the world, water shortages are dangerous for farming. As a farmer you should use the amount of water you need to work of course, but try not to go overboard.

As science and modern technology continue to develop, we can find new solutions and ideas to tackle water shortages and farming. For example, scientists are working to find innovative ways to produce drought resistant crops.

3.   Protection of Biodiversity and Surrounding Lands

Protection of Biodiversity

One of the threats that the environment faces from the continued use of poor farming practices the destruction of biodiversity in surrounding natural areas. As farmers push to expand their farmland around them and clear the existing habitats, often times this produces an extermination of important biodiversity in the natural landscape.

Through better plant science, you can have better crop protection as a farmer which eliminates the need to over reach in your current acreage. In most cases, limiting excessive farm expansion is better for the environment. The same can be said when it comes to urban development as well.

4.   Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emission

Although it is not quite as destructive as burning fossil fuels, modern farming can release a moderate amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. As an environmentally conscious farmer, you should look into ways to better monitor your output of greenhouse gases and look for ways to potentially minimize it.

Through growing efforts in plant biotechnology, scientists are creating plants that require less chemicals which means less greenhouse gases!

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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