5 Eco-Friendly Skin Care Tips for the Eco-Conscious

Eco-Friendly Skin Care Tips for the Eco-Conscious

Everybody wants to have glowing, perfect skin. However, the reality is that our genetics, environment, and daily habits can all play a role in the health of our skin. While the easiest option is to buy over-the-counter skin creams and products, this is often not the most environmentally friendly route. In fact, many skin care companies use harmful chemicals and animal testing when creating their product lines.

Fortunately, there are plenty of natural and eco-friendly alternatives to keep your skin looking great! So, let’s take a look at 5 eco-friendly tips for skin care!

1. Reuse Containers for Creams and Ointments

Round thin aluminium containerBeing environmentally conscious doesn’t mean that you have to throw out all of your favorite beauty products. However, buying new bottles of lotions, night creams, and similar items can be extremely wasteful. Most of these come in plastic bottles, which often end up in landfills. So, rather than continuing this wasteful cycle, simply reuse old containers to store your favorite products. You can even save on costs by buying your favorite treatments in bulk and then reusing smaller bottles as needed!

2. Opt For Natural Skin Treatments

Most people choose to use creams to keep their skin moisturized. Additionally, there are plenty of ointments out there that promise to help with blemishes, acne, and acne scars. However, some are far more effective than others. Moreover, it’s not always easy to tell if you’re supporting a company or product that uses eco-friendly processes. Fortunately, microneedling is one type of natural skin care for acne that has virtually no impact on the environment!

3. Use Less Water

beautiful-woman-taking-showerTaking long showers is one of the worst things you can do for your skin and the environment. Not only does it waste water, but it can — oddly enough — dry out your skin. This, in turn, can speed up the aging process and give you unwanted wrinkles. So, try to keep your showers as short as possible, without sacrificing hygiene of course! It’s also important to limit water usage whenever you’re washing your hands and face. It may be tempting to leave the water running, but whenever you’re not actively using water for your skin care, you should make sure that the faucet is turned off.

4. Stop Using Face Wipes

Face wipes for moisturizing your skin or removing makeup are extremely wasteful. Like most kinds of wet wipes, they do not dissolve in water (which means you can’t flush them down the toilet), so they have to be thrown away. Additionally, most face wipes come in plastic packaging, which is just one more thing that will get thrown in a landfill and do untold harm to the natural environment. Instead of using face wipes, simply use a clean cloth or flannel with a natural skin balm. It will deliver the same results — without all the unnecessary waste!

5. Choose Your Brands Wisely

woman choosing Brand of lotion

As previously stated, many brands use dubious methods and ingredients to create their products. Fortunately, environmental consciousness is increasing every day, forcing many of these companies to reevaluate their methods. In the meantime, it’s important that you research the skin care products and brands you use. For example, even if there is a cream that uses a chemical that can harm the environment, you may find out that the company gives a portion of its revenue to environmental causes and is taking steps to reduce its carbon footprint. Researching these kinds of details can really help ensure that you’re doing your part to keep our planet (and your skin) healthy!

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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