5 Healthy Breakfast Options to Start Your Day The Green Way

Young father and beautiful little daughter sitting at dinning room table, having breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The foods we eat to break our fast set the tone for our energies, mood, strengths, and productivity for the day. For instance, a heavy carb-rich breakfast contributes to mid-day fatigue and lethargy. In contrast, a healthy oatmeal breakfast releases slow-burning energy to keep you satiated and energetic.

After all, we are what we eat, which is why it’s essential to start your morning on a healthy note. Unfortunately, most people struggle to enjoy healthy breakfasts because they feel it takes too much effort and time. Picking up a cuppa joe and sugary bagel on the way to work seems a lot easier and more convenient. But does this bagel satisfy your hunger and enrich your body with essential nutrients?

Most bagel-eaters find themselves headed towards the vending machine to ply their bodies with carbs to fight pre-lunch hunger. Unfortunately, if you don’t satisfy your appetite with a proper meal, you’ll end up reaching out for all the junk you can find. As it happens, preparing healthy breakfasts doesn’t require much effort, especially if you make time for meal preparation.

Keep reading to explore some healthy recipes to start your day on an energetic and nutritious note.

1.       Pancake Hour

Are you surprised to find pancakes in a list of healthy breakfast options? Curb your astonishment, and open yourself up to embrace healthier variations of your favorite breakfast treat. That’s right. You can prepare flavorful and comforting pancake recipes by combining nutrient-rich ingredients and fresh fruits.

Oatmeal pancakes are the ultimate trick to give this traditional breakfast staple a nutritious twist. Adding oatmeal to the blend will also make your pancakes more satiating and filling. If you don’t like working with raw ingredients, consider investing in a pancake and waffle mix with healthier ingredients. Food and nutrition circuits are abuzz with ready-to-make blends that pack up essential nutrients and offer a healthy diet.

Using a mix is so much easier than preparing your own, especially if you’re not a culinary enthusiast. Be sure to top up your pancakes with fresh berries, apple slices, and natural sweeteners, such as honey. Of course, you can always toss overripe fruits and bananas into the mix for a flavorful punch.

2.       Protein Power: Eggs

The human body needs protein to build strength, agility, hair and skin growth, and regulating several other bodily systems. Eggs are one of the richest and purest sources of protein, and they are incredibly delicious.

Devouring eggs for breakfast not only makes for a flavorful and delicious meal to start your day. But more importantly, eggs increase feelings of satiation and fullness without overloading your body with hard-to-burn calories. Eating eggs for breakfast reduces your chances of inching near the vending machine and plying your body with unhealthy treats.After a protein-powered breakfast of eggs benedict or hardboiled eggs, you can easily control your hunger till lunch.

3.       Greek Yogurt with Fruity Toppings

We all enjoy exploring worthy Greek yogurt clicks and meticulously saving recipes on our Pinterest boards. But have you used these recipes and pins to add Greek yogurt to your breakfast regime?

It’s about time you take the plunge and add the vital energy of this creamy and decadent ingredient to your life. Greek yogurt is creamier than other yogurt varieties, and amazingly, it packs a powerful concentration of protein.

Suppose you struggle to eat and digest solids and heavy meals for breakfast. In that case, Greek yogurt is the perfect staple to engulf you with a refreshing flavor palette. You can pair it with freshly cut fruits and berries to create a platter bursting with healing antioxidants. In addition, if you’re striving for weight loss, Greek yogurt will help you reduce your appetite and speed up your metabolism.

4.       Fiber-Rich Oatmeal

Are you a passionate cereal lover who’s looking for a healthier alternative to enjoy the same crunchy goodness? Look no further than oatmeal! It is rich in hunger-satiating and appetite-repressing fiber. But interestingly, weight management isn’t the only health benefit you can enjoy with oatmeal.

You see, oatmeal’s fiber concentration protects and preserves the digestive lining and soothes tummy troubles. It’s also effective at reducing and regulating cholesterol, which makes it terrific for heart health. So oatmeal is a great breakfast choice for those struggling to reduce their risk factors for diabetes and heart conditions.

Suppose you’re not ready to embrace the earthly flavor of oatmeal and replace it with your overly-sweetened cereals. In that case, you can work on improving the flavor with crunchy nuts and succulent fruits. Topping your oatmeal with walnuts, almonds, fresh fruits, dark chocolate chunks, and a dollop of peanut butter will do the trick.

5.       Power-Packed Fruit Smoothies

Here’s another breakfast idea for people who struggle to consume heavy meals in the morning: smoothies. You don’t have to consume and digest an entire meal when you can get your nutrition from a refreshing glass of smoothie. The best part is, you can toss your oatmeal, Greek yogurt, fruits, veggies, and nuts to create a powerful concoction.

We advise you to work with seasonal fruits to maximize your health benefits and nutrition. For example, use Greek yogurt to create a rich and creamy base and add colorful and decadent berries. Then, toss in some oatmeal, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and nuts to build the nutrient profile and enjoy their crunchy goodness.

Some fruits truly outshine others in energizing the mind and body. For instance, banana, a powerhouse of potassium, is the ultimate staple for a breakfast smoothie. Feel free to top up the smoothie with your favorite toppings, as long as you stick to healthy ingredients.


Creating a healthy breakfast regime doesn’t require you to become a culinary artist. First, you will have to get comfortable with meal preparation and grocery shopping. Then, buying the right appliances that add convenience truly works wonders. For instance, a quality blender will have you making smoothies with your favorite vegetables and fruits without much hassle.

But even with meal preparation and kitchen appliances, how does one stop the urge to devour a freshly baked bagel? Setting priorities is of the utmost significance. Does a healthy breakfast regime matter to you as much as the delicious decadence of a chocolate donut? Eventually, it all boils down to our priorities and goals and how steadfastly we pursue them.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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