5 Incredible Benefits of Spending Time in Nature


If you’re feeling down, you should consider getting some fresh air. There’s a reason we feel better after spending time in nature, and that’s because it’s one of the best ways to help combat negative moods – along with other amazing benefits.

Take a break from looking into REI BlackBook, and let’s take a look at the 5 incredible benefits of spending time in nature.

1. Improves Mental Health

Nature is an incredible anecdote to ease symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression. Research continues to show that spending time outside has a strong correlation with an increase in positive emotions and a decrease in symptoms of mental health disorders.

2. Helps with Sleep Quality

If you struggle to get in quality sleep each night, spending time in nature each day might just help you get the sleep you need. Quality sleep is paramount to overall well-being, so it’s important that we make it a priority. A startling study showed that spending just an hour a day in natural daylight helped to increase energy, made it easier to wake up and help to ease symptoms of insomnia.

3. Sparks Creative Inspiration

Nature is often the inspiration for many artists. Consider how many poems speak of nature, paintings that highlight burning sunsets or beautiful landscapes, and songs that relate to the magic of the great outdoors. If you’re struggling to find your creative spark, try spending some time outside and see how creative insight begins to manifest.

4. Encourages Protecting the Environment

We live in a world that is fragile, and unfortunately, humans haven’t done their best to protect the environment. Quite the opposite. The more time you spend appreciating the beauty and peacefulness of nature, the more likely it is that you’ll be more invested in putting in an effort to protect it. After all, you’ll want to continue enjoying natural parks, clean water sources, and fresh air – you know this is only possible if you dedicate some time and energy to saving these natural sources of happiness.

5. Increases Physical Activity

We’ve talked about the mental benefits of spending time in nature, but another incredible benefit of making time to be outdoors is that you’re more likely to be physically active. There is a slew of activities to enjoy while spending time outside. When you’re outside, breathing the fresh air, it comes as no surprise that you’ll be more motivated to move than if you’re spending time sitting on the couch. 

Final Thoughts

Nature is incredibly powerful and beneficial to humans on many levels. Spending just an hour outside each day can help to increase feelings of happiness, help sleep quality, encourage creativity, and increase your physical activity.

If you want to experience these wonderful benefits yourself, make it a priority to spend some time outside each day. You’re sure to feel the positive effects as soon as you put your feet on the grass and feel the warmth of the sun on your skin.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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