5 Lawn Care Maintenance Tips Every Homeowner Needs to Know

Lawn Care Maintenance Tips Every Homeowner Needs to Know

Do you own a home with a lawn? Or perhaps you’d like to own a lawn? Don’t worry; in this article, I’ll go through the most important things every homeowner should know about lawn care maintenance. You must have probably observed that maintaining a beautiful lawn is not a one-time or single-day task. You won’t need to work on it every day, but it’s a good idea to make a timetable that covers these useful tips. These tips and tricks are made possible by our expert team for lawn care in Sarasota, FL.

Here are five lawn maintenance tips every homeowner needs to know:

Purchase of Lawn Mower and Mowing

You may not have budgeted for a lawnmower when setting to get your lawn, but it is an item worth investing in. The size of your home will heavily influence the type of lawnmower you purchase. You can purchase the manual push reel lawnmower. Prices are typically lower but keep in mind that you will be doing all of the hard work yourself. For larger lawns, consider a larger walk-behind gas-powered lawnmower. However, the most popular lawnmower today is cordless or battery-powered. Consider a riding mower for particularly large lawns to make the job even simpler.

Most lawns require mowing every five to seven days, depending on how frequently it rains and the time of year. You should also cut your grass so that it is not too short, about 2″ to 4″ in height. If you cut your lawn shorter, you may attract more weeds and pests to your lawn. This routine maintenance can be intimidating for some homeowners. The frequency with which you mow will be determined by how quickly your grass grows. Once a week is probably adequate during the growing season, but every other week should suffice while the grass is dormant.

Keep Your Lawn Watered

Some parts of the country receive so much rain, that watering the lawn is unnecessary, but most grass will require some irrigation, especially during the drier months. Watering your grass deeply but seldom is advised, which usually means no more than one to two times each week and soaking the soil around six inches deep. This will encourage grassroots to grow deeper in quest of water, making plants more drought resistant in the long run.

Summer heat can cause your lawn to become brown and brittle, which is not a good look for any home! For the best results, water your grass first thing in the morning. The amount of water you should use is determined by the amount of grass you have. A sprinkler system is a simple and effective way to keep your grass in good condition.

Get Rid of Weeds

Weeds might become your biggest nightmare in terms of landscaping if you haven’t already realized this. Every time you pull one, they seem to regrow rapidly! On the other hand, weeds have deep roots that allow them to spread swiftly and re-grow if not pulled properly. If you’re picking weeds by hand, make sure you have a hand shovel so you can dig up all of the roots. If you enjoy being outside and want to vent your frustrations on some weeds, you may be able to maintain your yard weed-free with just your hands and a trowel. Most people, though, will require assistance in limiting weed growth. A variety of herbicides are available in both synthetic and natural forms, but keep in mind that they are non-selective — they will destroy any plants they are sprayed on — so use caution when applying them. If your lawn has gotten overgrown with weeds, you should have it addressed.

Trees and Bushes should be Pruned

It would be beneficial if you could trim your hedges, bushes, and trees at least once a year. Another excellent investment is a hedge trimmer, which is typically not too expensive. You may also decide that caring for your trees or shrubs is not for you, in which case you should remove them. Shaded trees and shrubs don’t need as much attention, but they should regularly be checked for damaged limbs or signs of disease. Because tree removal and replacement are costly, it is important to keep an eye on the health of any trees or large plants on your property.

Application of Fertilizer and Pest Control

The Application of fertilizer once or twice a year can significantly impact the appearance and health of your lawn. Soil can become depleted of essential nutrients, and replenishing them with a slow-release, organic fertilizer increases soil health and grass growth. Avoid using quick-release fertilizers unless you have a critical need for grass in a hurry. They will get your grass growing quickly, but they will deplete the soil over time.

Pest control is the regulation or management of pests. Some pests, such as white grubs, can actively damage your lawn and even attract larger predators searching for prey. Other pests, such as mosquitoes and ticks, may not harm plants but impede you from enjoying your outside environment completely. Whether you use organic or conventional pest control, keeping unwelcome guests at bay is a vital element of lawn care.


As a homeowner, you are most likely faced with many tasks and responsibilities to complete. The good news is that keeping your grass and landscaping in good condition does not have to be complicated. To achieve the best results, you should keep your equipment in good condition and invest in high-quality tools. Lawn maintenance can be a time-consuming and difficult task. You need not be troubled because there are professional lawn care companies that you can hire to complete these tasks for you. According to the market size of the land scape service industry as per the IBIS World Landscaping Services Industry Report, is close to $114.6 billion in 2021. The industry employs over a million people. You’re sure to find a landscaping architect in your area who fits the bill!

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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