5 Ways to Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle

Ways to Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle

The ideals and practices of the sustainability movement have become more widely accepted by numerous industries over the past few years, which means it’s now easier than ever for you to create a more sustainable lifestyle! From the food you eat and the home cleaning products you buy to the way your clothing is made, a few easy, thoughtful switches might have a big (and very positive) impact on your life and the earth’s natural resources. Ready to dive in? Here are a few ways to live a more sustainable lifestyle!

1.  Avoid Overbuying

When it comes to living a sustainable lifestyle, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. There are so many ways to incorporate sustainability into your routine, but it’s important to remember that you don’t have to change your entire life all at once. Instead of doing a 180 and making numerous changes at once, try an initial change in your mindset moving forward. Sustainability is about making use of what has already been created, reducing waste and conserving our resources, so think about this when shopping for new items. Consider exactly what you need and how you might be able to make sustainable choices next time you buy groceries, home items, clothing, plastic and more.

2.  Shop for Sustainable Clothing


On that note, your wardrobe can make a huge difference when it comes to living a sustainable lifestyle. The sustainable fashion movement is a global effort toward making the production and sale of clothing less wasteful and more environmentally conscious. Many brands and designers have made sustainability a priority in recent years as well, having made changes in their textile choices, manufacturing processes and more. Some have even set goals to become completely sustainable by a certain year.

On a more personal scale, you can absolutely make sustainable fashion a part of your everyday life. If you decide to shop for new clothing from a sustainable brand, make sure to do your research and support the brands and designers that have taken the time to get it right. From sustainable swimwear styles to sneakers made from recycled plastic, there are sustainable clothing options for every closet. In addition to supporting sustainable clothing brands, you can recycle, donate or upcycle what you already have! Think about how you might upgrade an old pair of jeans, consider donating the items you don’t wear or host a clothing swap with your friends to give some clothes a second life.

3.  Consider Reusable Alternatives

The “reduce, reuse, recycle” mindset is a huge part of sustainability. In addition to throwing recyclable items like aluminum cans and glass bottles into your recycling bin, you can practice sustainability by taking the recycling process to the next level. Think about what you recycle the most – is it cans, paper, plastic containers or something else? See if you can switch your most commonly recycled items out for something that is reusable or sustainable for the long term like a refillable metal water bottle, reusable glass containers or even a paperless option for your mail and bills.

4.  Donate What You Don’t Use


If you love to organize spaces or you simply have too much clutter, you can kickstart a new sustainable practice by giving away anything you don’t and won’t actively use or wear. In terms of clothing, you can donate just about any of your clean, gently worn items including shoes, jeans, unworn men’s swim trunks, ties and much more. Contact local animal shelters and community outreach organizations about how you can donate towels, blankets and extra sheets to those in need. Post your unwanted kitchen items, furniture and home decor for free pickup online or host a sustainable porch giveaway for friends and neighbors!

5.  Support Fair Trade

If you see a fair trade certification on a product label or read about a brand’s fair trade efforts and regulations, this means the product was created through a sustainable process. Fair trade involves paying workers a fair wage, maintaining equitable trade relationships and the willingness to pay more for sustainable and environmentally conscious manufacturing methods.

Part of living a sustainable lifestyle means educating yourself! Do some research and find out which of your favorite brands are making the switch to or already supporting fair trade.

A new sustainable lifestyle doesn’t have to happen overnight. Like many food, home and clothing brands, your life can benefit from a few steps toward sustainability at a time. The move toward a more sustainable lifestyle is meant to be a learning process that benefits you, others and the earth. Utilize what you have, find new ways to reuse items from others and support the sustainability movement!

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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