6 Home Improvements That Will Significantly Lower Your Utility Bill

adjusting the clock on the boiler

While some home improvement projects will benefit from boosted property value, others mainly enhance comfort or offer other alluring advantages. And even though most home improvement projects can be pretty pricey, there are ways to make your projects more affordable, and opting for energy efficiency is just one of these approaches.

That said, if you’re hoping to invest in your home in such a way that your spending helps you save down the line, then you should consider improvement projects that can lower your utility bill. And the best part about these specific projects is that they will also enable you to reduce your carbon footprint and lend a hand towards saving our planet at the same time.

And if you aren’t too sure which projects will leave you with the most significant savings on your utility bill, we have listed them for you.

1. Solar Panels

Solar Panel

Investing in solar panels and battery storage could be one of the most relevant purchases of your life till now. Not only is solar on the more affordable end of the renewable power spectrum when it comes to installation and device costs, as wind turbines boast a pretty hefty price tag but solar is also one of the more suitable options.

Once you have installed solar panels and battery storage, you won’t likely be paying for power again. Therefore, your utility bill will be reduced substantially, and you’ll enjoy an exceptional return on your initial investment as a direct result.

2. Energy Efficient Windows

Energy-efficient windows can help regulate indoor temperatures, which will reduce your utility bill as a result. And because these types of windows are pretty affordable investments, you won’t regret making the switch.

There are also a few benefits of installing energy-efficient windows. These benefits range from a lowered power bill and better insulation to environmental benefits and even preventing sun damage on your furniture.

3. Replace Your Appliances

couple choosing washing machine

Home appliances have not always been energy-efficient, as this is a relatively new demand from consumers worldwide. These days, most new appliances are energy-efficient as a general standard.

So, if your appliances are pretty outdated, investing in new appliances is a great way to give your home a notable modern makeover, all while reducing your power consumption substantially. And because modern appliances are often more versatile, your kitchen will likely be quite a bit more functional as well.

4. Replace Insulation

It’s pretty essential to replace your home’s insulation regularly. However, this is mainly relevant to your attic insulation. Because insulation does not last forever, neglecting this home improvement project can eventually spiral out of control. And your home won’t be able to regulate indoor temperature too well.

In addition, your power bill will increase, and you could experience water damage, pest infestations, and other costly annoyances. So, be sure to have a professional service assess your insulation annually to determine its condition and alert you when you need to invest in replacement insulation.

5. Install Water Pressure Regulators

Water Pressure Regulator

Installing water pressure regulators on all the faucets in your home is a relatively small project to undertake. However, the effort will help you save massively on your monthly water bill.

These installations help you control the water flow from faucets so that no excess water can be wasted, even out of habit. The valves you’ll need to purchase are also relatively affordable, so the project won’t cost you all that much either. Therefore, there’s no reason not to consider this project.

6. Water Heater Timer

Water heater timers are another affordable investment to reduce your power bill substantially. These work by controlling when your water heater heats up and when it doesn’t. So, your water heater will no longer run 24/7 while consuming power.

What’s more, you can probably manage this installation yourself if you’re relatively skilled with home repair projects. However, you can also have a professional service handle the installation for you. Once the timer is installed, you must program the timer to heat the water heater at suitable times for you. And because we all have pretty different daily routines, you will need to consider which times of the day you usually bathe or shower to avoid frustration.

Fortunately, these timers also have other settings that will allow you to heat your water heater at different times of the day. This nifty invention can genuinely help you reduce both your power and water consumption, as you’ll no longer be wasting water unnecessarily when you have limited hot water available.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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