7 US Cities that are the best fit for electric cars

If you think you are the only one who hates the cold, think again. Studies have revealed that electric cars tend to hate winters just like people do. These vehicles tend to perform with comparatively less efficiency in cold regions owing to reduced battery capacity. Cold batteries have lesser electrical capacity, meaning they can pump power for lesser periods.

Electric cars in balmy temperature regions on the other hand, enjoy higher efficiencies. They can travel longer distances before being recharged again. However, very hot regions would not be suitable for electric cars as well owing to the excessive heat that can degrade the battery’s life span and efficiency in the long run.

The best places for electric cars in the U.S.

electric car (7)

Although a lot of cities around the U.S. have started taking measures to support the use of electric vehicles on their roads, there are certain areas that have already carved a niche for themselves as being the most EV-friendly places in the nation. Accordingly, here are the top 7 EV friendly places in the U.S. which made the list based on factors like the number of on road EVs as well as the number or charging stations in these areas.

San Francisco Bay Area

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Home to nearly 50000 electric vehicles, the San Francisco Bay Area boasts of having the largest per-capita in the nation in this case. The area is also known as one of the friendliest metro cities for those who prefer electric vehicles. If this is not enough, then San Francisco is also home to the biggest network of EV charging stations in the entire U.S.

Los Angeles

Charging an electric vehicle
Charging an electric vehicle

Registering nearly 60000 electric vehicles in the last one year alone, Los Angeles treads a close second after San Francisco in the list of U.S. cities with the largest number of on road electric vehicles. The city has managed to reach this spot from its previous 6th position owing to a sharp increase in the number of EVs as well as charging stations for the same.


Eco-friendly car
Eco-friendly car

Seattle registered over 10000 chargeable electric vehicles in the state last year. The number of charging stations for these vehicles has also increased dramatically from a mere handful to over 400, most of which can be found in Seattle’s Puget Sound Region.

San Diego

Nissan Leaf
Nissan Leaf

In addition to housing over 600 public EV charging stations, San Diego has registered over 10000 on road electric vehicles this year alone, a number which is a significant increase when compared to the previous year.


Eco-friendly car
Eco-friendly car

This city in Texas allows utility companies to own and manage electric vehicle charging stations. Austin Energy is known to support the construction and operation of its own range of charging stations that would replace those owned by private companies. Although the city features lower down this list, the fact that measures are currently being taken to allow direct sales of electric vehicles in the region is a welcome sign of positive things to come.


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Portland in Oregon happens to be one of the eight states that adopted a zero emission vehicle action plan in order to encourage more individuals to buy electric vehicles. The city has also made plans to increase the number of electric vehicle charging stations (it already has a modest number of such stations spread out all over the city). Since a number of the city’s residents prefer bikes over cars, Portland has also taken measures to offer modest EV ownership numbers to support EV ownership.


Electric Car in Charging Station
Electric Car in Charging Station

Detroit plans to take its ambitious EV ownership goals further by providing more than just a charging station for on road electric vehicles. While the city has been placing emphasis on the increase in the number of charging stations, it has also started initiatives to provide dedicated parking spots for EVs, thus making it easier for individuals to commute.

While electric cars are making headways around the world, there are certain cities that favor them more. These cities provide the best conditions for electric vehicles, thus promoting eco-friendly travel to a great extent.

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