A Guide For The Maintenance Of Heat Pumps 

Maintenance Of Heat Pumps 

Using a heat pump regularly will require the user to change the filter every month. Depending on the quality of the water in the area, homeowners can still get away with a month or two by not changing the filters, but it is essential to replace them once in three months.

Heat pumps require maintenance, and it is the duty of the user to make sure that the life expectancy of the unit increases by changing the filters and keep the pump clean. There are several parts associated with heat pumps, and all of them should be maintained to make sure that the unit doesn’t malfunction, especially during the winters.

Issues with Heat Pumps

Maintenance Of Heat Pumps 

Some of the most common problems encountered by heat pumps due to negligence in maintenance are leaky and noisy ducts, squeaking and grinding sounds, low airflow, rattling pump, temperature problems, and using an incorrect refrigerant charge.

It is hard to understand what’s causing the problem to occur if the user is not an expert. That is why it is better to spend time in maintaining the heat pump; otherwise, the user will have to contact a heat pump repair professional to fix the damaged parts. The worst scenario is if one of the parts affects the functioning of the pump.

There are cases where the user had to replace the pump entirely. So, paying attention to maintenance should be a priority.

Maintaining Heat Pumps

Maintenance Of Heat Pumps Although there are several things the homeowner can do to maintain the heat pump, they should also make sure that they follow the guidelines below to improve its efficiency:

  • Try to set the thermostat to more than 65 degrees during summers.
  • During winters, keep it to at least 70 degrees or more.
  • Always check if there is snow or ice building on the heat pump during winters.
  • While installation, keep in mind that the heat pump should be at least 8 inches above the ground. This allows proper drainage of the water.
  • If there is foliage in the outdoor unit, remove them immediately. Also, keep shrubs away at least 18 inches from the heat pump.

Now that people are aware of the safety measures, they should focus on the maintenance of the heat pump.

Follow all the steps below to ensure a long life for the heat pump so that it remains efficient for years:

  • Monitor the filters for dust, dirt, and grime every month. If the filters have blackened, it means that the time has come to clean or replace them. Ideally, it is wise to replace the filters instead of cleaning. Cleaning the filters is both time-consuming and a complicated procedure to follow.
  • Apart from the filters, also check the outdoor unit thoroughly. It shouldn’t have debris, ice, or snow around it. Try to brush the dust and dirt away from the sides, top, and bottom of the pump every week.
  • There will be coils running into the outdoor unit. These usually tend to get dirty after a few months. Use a heavy-duty degreaser to clean them first and then wash them using a hosepipe. While doing this, make sure the unit is off.
  • If the outdoor unit is near the garden, don’t forget to prune the grass from the sides of the pump. This not only allows free flow of air but also helps in maintaining the coils while cleaning.
  • The indoor unit contains a drain and condensation pan. These should be flushed thoroughly before spring arrives. It is wise to avoid doing this alone. Hire a trained technician who can flush the unit inside out.• If the homeowner is using an old heat pump, he/she may need to oil the fan motors annually. However, modern units now use fan motors that are permanently sealed.

Apart from maintaining the heat pump alone, it is always a good idea to hire a trained technician for an annual service. Heat pumps are expensive, and repairing the unit after a year isn’t ideal. Following the tips above will help to keep the heat pump going for years. Moreover, the homeowner will not have to spend a lot on the technician if he/she finds the heat pump to be well maintained.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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