Adelies Penguins: An effective indicator of global warming

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The Adelie penguin chicks are a great indicator of rising global warming. The first black fluffballed-chicks of the Adelie penguin this season, have started hatching more in the south compared to the fewer ones in the further north. According to scientists, this is a clear sign of global warming!

According to scientists, with the sea ice disappearing, the rate at which the Adelie penguin colony is disappearing is accelerating at the same pace. The Adelies have some 193 colonies, with a total population of 2.5 million breeding pairs. But, now the penguin population is facing a dramatic decrease in their count!

With the Adelies and Emperors — the two penguin species — living on sea ice it can be concluded that the penguin populations in the north are decreasing with the vanishing northern sea ice and flourishing in the south as the sea ice is loosening there — making it easier for them to dive and fish, researcher David Ainley said in a telephone interview from his penguin rookery camp at Cape Royds in Antarctica.

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