Alternative tips for frequent flyers to check their carbon footprint

frequent flyers

Flying contributes 1.5 to 2 percent of greenhouse gases which is a relatively small figure when compared to vehicle traffic. But with the number of flights increasing as the world is becoming more connected than ever, we are dependent on flying to take us to our global offices situated all around the world. If you are a frequent flyer of Saudi Airlines (الخطوط الجوية السعودية) or any other international airline, you may have a significant carbon footprint as you fly so often. However, there are ways to reduce your eco footprint – here are some tips on how to do it:

Try to fly less

frequent flyersThe first tip is to reduce the number of your trips. Try to conduct video or tele conferences. If you and other green-minded travelers took lesser flights, airlines will burn less amount of jet fuel, thus causing fewer emissions.

Fly Direct

When you have no other option but to fly, experts suggest taking non-stop direct flights to Mecca or other international destinations. This is because, airplanes burn fuel most at the time of takeoff. So, even though connecting flights may be cheaper on the pocket, your plane will be using much more fossil fuel than a direct flight.

Many airlines are now adding non-stop flights, especially international flights, so it has become easier to fly direct to many destinations. When you are flying to Mecca, you can take direct flights and book hotels in Mecca (فنادق مكة) in advance, for a more organized trip.

Offset your carbon footprint

frequent flyersOne of the best ways to check your carbon footprint due to flying is buying carbon offsets. By doing this, you would be paying to reduce or eliminate greenhouse gases from Earth’s atmosphere. You can contribute to replanting forests which will absorb CO2 and clean the atmosphere. You can buy offsets through airlines or through organizations which support eco friendly projects, such as renewable energy generation efforts, or contribute to conserving forests in Peru. You can find third party verified offset programs online and donate to the one which resonates with you.

Fly coach

If you are used to travelling business class, it may come as a surprise to you to know this – your carbon footprint is higher while flying business class than flying coach. A World Bank study found that emissions due to flying business class is approximately three times more than coach. And first class has nine times more emissions than coach. So try to fly coach the next time. Book hotels (حجز فنادق) which are nice and comfortable to compensate!

Lower shades

frequent flyers

Most of us tend to ignore the flight attendant’s instructions at the time of takeoff and landing, including their advice to lower window shades. Every passenger should heed this instruction, as by doing this simple thing, you ensure that the cabin will not heat up. You will reduce the fuel used by the plane to run the air conditioner, and less CO2 will be emitted by the plane.

Packing light helps too, as a lighter plane requires less fuel and flies faster. Making a few changes to your flying style will help you become a greener frequent flyer with a much reduced carbon footprint.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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