Blunders to avoid while building a green home – Take your best step forward

While building a green home, the main thing that is there in the minds of the homeowner is the impact on the environment. Careful consideration and thought should be placed on every periphery of home designing and home building step, starting from the roof to the foundation and to everything that’s in between. With the increasing threats to the environment posed by the human beings, industries and other factors, it is vital to reduce the carbon footprint and avoid disrupting the current ecosystem. With the knowledge and resources that we have today, there’s simply no excuse left for not being eco-friendly. Nevertheless, if you’re planning your own sweet green home, here are some common blunders to avoid.

Building something way more than what you may need

Would you want to build too much house? No, don’t do that! Instead you should build just what you think is right for you. If you build a house that is too large for you, there will be lot of unused and wasted space and therefore it will also cost you more to cool and heat. While you plan your home, consider your lifestyle and think ahead of time. If you plan on expanding your family very soon, or you plan to bring along your parents, make sure you have proper accommodation to do the same.

Not thinking ahead of time

How long are you going to stay in your house? Will you stay for the next 10 or 20 or 30 years? It is important to think ahead of time, as to what your needs would be down the near future. With age, your needs may change and hence you would need to take careful consideration about your future lifestyle and needs and also prepare for the same.

Building your home on a wrong plot

One more important thing that you have to consider is the plot on which you build your house. It’s crucial for you to locate the right plot size and location. You may think that it sounds too romantic to have a home in the country side, off the beaten path but when it comes to actuality, it is always better to build a home near the town. Building on a site that’s entirely new could damage a peaceful ecosystem and can also disrupt the lives of local people.

Not opting for the solar way

Regardless of where you stay, you should always build your home in such a manner that you get unobstructed solar access right from 9 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon. Build your home which is exposed to the south as that will automatically lower the energy costs by 10%. Place the major windows on the southern side and place overhangs to shield your home from the harmful rays of the sun.

Hence, if you’re interested in building green homes, make sure you don’t commit any of the blunders mentioned above as they can drain off all your efforts that you put into making your house.

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