Could solar airplanes help in reducing global pollution

Technology is continuously evolving and coming up with new and better solutions to age-old problems. One of the greatest challenges faced by the human race is the pollution caused by vehicles and airplanes. We are drawing ceaselessly from the storage of non-renewable energy. At present, our future seems bleak, as we are almost entirely dependent on the non-renewable energy sources that cause pollution.


Scientists and technicians are trying to come up with viable solutions for this matter. Only the use of alternative energy and substituting non-renewable energy with it will help our race.

The solar airplanes seem to be one of the possible solutions to this problem. A solar airplane is powered by solar panels mounted on its top surface. Experiments are going on so that this type of airplanes can be manufactured easily.

Solar panels are already being used in a variety of different ways. Many homeowners are installing solar panels on top of their houses for converting solar energy into electric energy. This way they are cutting down their energy bills. Some people are even selling the excess converted solar energy for getting money.


Solar cook-tops and solar cookers help in converting solar energy into heat energy for cooking food. Scientists, engineers and technicians are now planning to use solar panels for powering huge vehicles.

Airplanes use a huge amount of non-renewable fuels and pollute the atmosphere. If solar panels can power airplanes then such pollutions can be curbed and controlled.

There is nothing to be surprised if soon solar airplanes are manufactured and used by popular airlines. Experiments with airplanes powered by alternative energies have been going on for a very long time. NASA has done some great, successful experiments with aircrafts powered by hydrogen-powered cells. Another company invented a solar powered aircraft that was in motion for a whole month.


The probability of solar powered aircrafts being manufactured soon is not negligible. The solar aircrafts are powerful but there are some problems involved with these aircrafts as well.

One of the major problems is that the solar panels have to get sufficient sunlight during the journeys or else there might be a dearth of solar fuel.

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