Five creative DIY solar powered toys

Solar powered DIY toy

Solar power is being widely used for various operations and now, it has turned to the world of toys. Solar-powered toys are a rage these days among children. Known for their unique designs and mode of power operation, many come at cheaper prices and are far more durable than standard toys. No longer will you have to spend money on battery cells too as these eco friendly toys solely rely on solar energy. Such toys can be used to impart a message to children about the ways in which solar energy and other renewable sources can be used efficiently. And while there are plenty available in market which are solar-powered, here we list five of the most creative DIY solar-powered toys which are creating a buzz in the toy industry. You can turn the process of assembling them into a fun project with your kids.

1. Solar Powered Helicopter Kit

Solar Powered Helicopter Kit

When it comes to toys, helicopters are one of the most preferred by children. They dig into their imagination of flying around in a real helicopter and are very cool to look at. This solar-powered helicopter is an awesomely designed and compact chopper. It’s easy to set up too. Just buy the kit and follow the instructions for assemblage. You will need glue and a rotor that spins using solar-power. Attach the components and your helicopter is ready to fly. This kit is available in the market and is priced at an affordable $25.

2. Physics Solar Workshop

Physics Solar Workshop

This is a workshop toy which is meant to teach children about the ways in which solar energy can be used effectively to save on power and batteries. The workshop kit includes over 12 different models of toys and over 30 real time experiments that can be used to make such toys. It also includes various concepts of physics which are easy to understand. You can use it to teach children the basics of the physics used to make these solar-powered toys. This creates an interest in science and engineering which they may hone later in life.

Some of the models that can be built using the workshop kit are a tractor, truck, car and airplane, all of them solar-powered. The kit also has 320 parts that can be used for various purposes and are compatible with other physics kits. The whole set up is priced at just $50, a real steal considering what you would normally shell out for just one conventional toy.

3. Solarion Demolition Cruisers

Solarion Demolition Cruisers

A cruiser is another favorite toy of children and they’re sure to go crazy when they take a look at one which is solar-powered. These cruisers are big in size and offer fun and entertainment. Each toy has different sounds and other fun options. The kit includes information and components that allows you to build two different types of ultra-cool solar-powered cruisers. You can use them to perform operations like drilling or harvesting. It has 113 pieces that allow you to come up with your own creations too. The kit is available in the market at a mere $20.

4. Solarion Ultimate Builder

Solarion Ultimate Builder

The Solarion Ultimate Builder kit is an upgrade over the previous model with the same name. It includes plenty of parts to make your own creations. With it you can build your favorite tractor, truck, car or any other cool toy. It includes over 500 pieces that can be attached together. The kit is available online and will cost you about $40.

5. Solar Science Lab

Solar Science Lab

This is for all the kids out there who love making something out of scientific material and are interested in science-related technology. The Solar Science Lab provides you with over 30 different solar-powered activities you can undertake very easily. All it requires is a little bit of understanding and concentration. It contains plenty of elements like a reflector, mirror, test tube and an electric motor. All these tools can be used creatively to make your favorite gadget. The kit is available online at $25.

Do-it-yourself projects are always fun and can even translate into bigger things as a kid grows. They stimulate creativity and enhance hand-eye coordination and cognitive abilities. The best part is that parents and their children can work together to create fun toys which also makes for ideal family time. Such kits with an eco friendly theme help promote the idea of conservation and sustainability. Who knows? You’re little boy or girl could one day grow up to contribute greatly to the green cause and it would all have started with playing and assembling solar-powered toys!

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