Cut Down Your Motoring Costs by Going Green

Cut Down Your Motoring Costs by Going Green

Vehicles ought to be one of the greatest blessings for making travel convenient. That being said, motor vehicles are also one of the biggest contributors to environmental damage. Increased carbon foot print and and air pollution are triggered by  motor vehicles, which consequently lead to problems such as smogs, hazardous air quality and other severe environmental and health problems.Although there are many other causes of pollution, if the masses start to adopt to sustainable motoring practices, a huge impact can be made.

One of the most common perceptions amongst motorists is that eco-friendly motoring practices can make vehicles more expensive. This, however, is not true. As a matter of fact, you can actually cut down your motoring costs by adopting environment friendly motoring style. Since the biggest culprit behind increased motoring costs and increased pollution is fuel consumption, you can save a lot of money and environment by simply consuming less fuel. Here are a few tips to save fuel.

1. Buy Eco-Friendly Vehicles

Buy Eco-Friendly VehiclesIf you are in the process of buying a new vehicle or upgrading your existing one, go for eco-friendly vehicles such as electric or hybrid cars. These vehicles are designed to reduce dependency of fuel and as result have lesser fuel combustion and much lower carbon emissions than conventional vehicles. The price point at which these cars are sold is slightly on the higher side. However, if you do a long term math, the purchase price is only a one time investment as you end up saving up on your fuel cost on a regular basis. Moreover, as the price is higher at this moment because electric and hybrid cars are still a new concept. Once more manufacturers start to produce them, the prices are expected to drop further.

2. Car Modifications 

Car modifications are not always about changing your vehicle’s aesthetics or speed. You can usesimple car modifications to improve fuel economy of your car to a great extent. For example, if you have a car that is bulkier, you can use modifications to shed some vehicle weight. Lighter vehicles have better and quicker pick up resulting in much lesser fuel combustion.You can reduce your vehicle’s weight by using simple hacks such as removing heavier rims, removing unused car seats, and even by avoiding running the car on a full fuel tank.

Besides weight modifications, other changes such as better tuning, better grounding cables and installation of vacuum gauges can help you improve your car’s mileage tremendously.

3. Service and Maintenance

Service-and-MaintenanceA lot of car owners are a bit laid back when it comes to maintaining their cars. Car maintenance is not merely about cleaning and washing. It is a machine that requires servicing in order to keep working efficiently. Vehicles that do not get serviced for a long time end up having problems such as poor driving experience, gearing issues, alignment problems, increased emissions and poor fuel economy.

Even if you keep delaying your car’s servicing, you will eventually have to send your car for getting fixed for bigger issues and will have to pay much higher costs. Getting your car regularly serviced will not only keep your vehicle in good shape and condition it will also help improving fuel efficiency and hence save up on fuel costs. 

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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