An eco friendly lifestyle is easy to get hold of

These days, eco-friendly thinking is rising. People are concentrating more on going green, reusing things, the impact the products they buy will have on the nature etc.

 Designing the house using recycled waste

Designing the house using recycled waste

These days, interior designers are focusing more on themes that can recycle the natural elements like water and air present/used in the house. One of those methods is by recycling the water used in basins or showers to water the plants or garden or simply washing your vehicles. Moreover, herbs or plants that absorb the chemicals let our when the AC is working is also another strategy. Many also implement mini-robots that can clean your floors using just a few drops of water these days.

Social apps, leftover swap

Managing food waste

With the growing population, it is getting difficult to manage or reuse the ample amount of food that goes wasted in many households. Moreover, with the increasing population the demand of food is also increasing. To overcome these problems, many hotels these days are inviting people to drop in their used food in these hotels. To encourage them to do so, hotels and restaurants have started issuing discount coupons in return to the food given. Social apps such as leftover swap are another app where in any food left or excess is notified to others. Moreover, guests or friends can also be invited if excess of food is made.

biodegradable colorful WaterBean filter

Clean water

Clean water is a dream for many. However, many hotels these days are encouraged to provide local purified water. This water is not only easily available but is cheap in price. Another option is the biodegradable colorful WaterBean filter, which if placed in a tap water bottle can purify your water while you are travelling.

Intelligent shopping

Intelligent shopping

Many lifestyle brands these days are encouraging customers to buy clothes or accessories that are durable and last long. Moreover, many shopping centers have a annual or bi-annual spree wherein they exchange used clothes for new ones or either provide new ones on discount.

eco-friendly packaging

Multipurpose packaging

Nowadays eco-friendly packaging is preferred by many rather than the non-degradable plastic packaging. For example, Starbucks launched their reusable plastic coffee cups, which can be washed and reused for your second cup of coffee. This not only reduces the cost incurred by the café or hotel but also the waste generated by one-time use packaging materials.


One should be aware of the available resources that can be reused. Keeping a control on the trash we produce can certainly help in maintaining a eco-friendly nature.

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