Getting a green life on the campus: Ideas to help students

Not only the rich and affluent but also students with no fixed income can lead a green lifestyle by following some pragmatic rules. As individuals, our capabilities are limited but if each of us undertakes the responsibility of leading a greener and eco-friendlier lifestyle then the world will be a better place.

Implementing some simple ground rules for yourself will instantaneously reduce your carbon footprint and help you contribute towards a greener planet earth. Some easy guidelines for this purpose have been discussed in the following.

Use old books and resell

 recycle old books

Despite the advancement of technology, all of us cannot afford e-readers. Not all the authentic course books are available in electronic formats. Paper is still being made by chopping numerous trees. If you are a tree hugger then you should use only old books and sell your books that are no more useful for you. Reusing old books and recycling papers can have a positive impact on our environment. When your classmates, juniors and seniors see you using old books, they too will feel inspired to do the same. You have to spread the word that ld books are the new cool.

Take as much food as you need at cafeteria

Female student with sandwich in the cafeteria

Good habits and actions speak louder than words. If you are in the habit of wasting food then please think about the billions of underprivileged people who do not get any food for days. Wasting resources like food and water is an unethical practice. When you next go to the cafeteria, get as much food as you need, but not more than that. When you throw parties measure the portion sizes. Excess food can be given away to the homeless and orphans who need it more. Students can also form a non-profit group that will get the excess food from party venues and supply it to the poor people.

Carry your bottle

business woman holding plastic bottle of water

Students who carry their reusable water bottles are doing a favor to Mother Nature. The less you use plastics the better it is for our planet earth. If you don’t carry reusable water bottles then you will have to purchase water and then throw away the plastic bottle after drinking. This will only increase your carbon footprint and pollute your environment. Also try not to use plastic carry bags. Use paper or cloth bags which are reusable.

Save power whenever possible

 Turning off computer

Students should be more careful about saving energy. Often when you are studying late at night you will not remember to turn of the appliances you use or keep the light on your room. Always try to turn of your electronic devices down when not in use. Depending on where you live you should follow the energy consumption reduction guidelines for preventing wastage of this vital resource.

Use apps, forget printing


Instead of getting a whole bunch of printouts, you can use apps like Evernote. This app will let you save bills, receipts and also important e-documents. You can also take notes in classes using Evernote and other educational apps. Use technology in as many ways as possible to reduce wastage of natural resources.

Green practices

 kitchen faucets matter (2)

Use second hand dishes instead of plastic, paper or Styrofoam plates and bowls. May be you will have to put some time aside for cleaning them everyday but this habit will help in reducing the regular wastage of plastic and paper. Always tightly lock the faucets. Get an energy efficient light bulb for your dorm room which will last longer even if it costs more.

College students can lead a greener and healthier lifestyle. Students should try to reduce wasting food and other natural resources and preach by setting example.

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