Green Accessories Every Nurse Needs

If you’re a nurse you know just how long a 12-hour shift working on your feet can be. In addition to needing to keep plenty of snacks and drinks on hand to stay energized and hydrated, there are also other supplies you need to be able to keep going. Long shifts can remind you of being back at Bradley University when you had to cram and go hours without sleep so you could study for tests. With these next accessories, you’ll last at your job for hours long and feel more comfortable doing so. Don’t leave home or report to work in a hospital or doctor’s office setting without these environmentally friendly accessories.

Solar Chargers

Solar Chargers

Since everyone has a smartphone nowadays, it is reasonable to want to keep yours on you and fully charged at all times. Although there are plenty of places you should be able to charge your phone and mobile devices the old-fashioned way, why would you want to do that when you can use a solar charger? These devices can give handheld devices a full charge in a short period while getting all of their energy from the sun. Plug in your laptop so that you can catch up on your email during lunch and help to conserve energy simultaneously

Recycled Wallets

Recycled-FashionNo matter where you work, you probably need to keep your identification and some money on hand. Nurses can’t effectively do their jobs while carrying around big bulky purses, so they usually just carry small wallets in their pockets. With a recycled wallet, you can keep all of your most personal items close to your body while also doing your part to help the earth. In fact, recycled clothing and accessories are making waves both in and out of the healthcare industry. When you have a choice between buying a new wallet that has been made using standard manufacturing techniques or a recycled, handmade wallet, you already know which option is best for the environment.

Organic Cruelty-Free Cosmetics


Working with patients, putting on disposable gloves, washing and sanitizing your hands for hours is going to dry your skin out. Bradley University Online students can quickly research ingredients and learn what beauty products are green and organic. Not only is it better for your skin to use organic ingredients for health reasons, homemade products are also easier on the environment. Consider products like black soap, which is made using only plant materials. Your skin will feel a lot better once you start consistently using organic and pure beauty products.

Before you pack your lunch and get ready to clock in at work, check your pockets to see if you have all the green accessories you need to make you feel better. Keep your phone charged with green energy and you can feel great about using your phone in your free time. Use accessories made from recycled materials and you will be doing your duty to preserve the earth while also making it easier to last while you are at work for extended periods of time.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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