Himalayan biodiversity may disappear by the end of 21st century


Biological riches of ‘Roof of the World’ is slowly disintegrating. It is not long time from now that the Himalayas will be known for its long-gone forests! The deforestation rate is so radical that just by the end of this century, a quarter of the native animal and plant species, which includes tigers and leopards, could completely disappear.

The worser part of the pheniomenon is the incompetence of the concerned government departments. The Indian government is oblivious or indifferent towards this phenomenon, dire to the biodiversity hotspots.

The problem is more with the official figures of the survey of the region. It reveals erroneous information that forest cover in the Himalayas will rise, and not fall.

Maharaj Pandit of the University of Delhi, India and a team of researchers have revealed this evidence of deforestation occurring across the Indian Himalayas.

Via: Biology News

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