How to Damage-Proof Your Roof From Winter Storm

How to Damage-Proof Your Roof From Winter Storm

Storms can be a real threat to your roof and can be quite the damage to your roof to a large extent. If you want to protect your roof from winter storms that are harsh you need to look after it with great care. A lot of maintenance goes into it to protect it from harsh weather conditions. Keep reading our post because we are going to give you some tips that will help you protect your roof and minimize any damage. For more info about roofing be sure to visit Albuquerque All Seasons Roofing. 

Most of the roofs, especially those that are built to withstand such harsh conditions, can tolerate the storms but even with those roofs, you should take some precautions that may divert or help mitigate any unforeseen damage. Small damage to your roof can cause leaking issues and you might have to pay a hefty amount to get it repaired. So to save you from all this hustle we are here with some precautionary measures that you should consider to save yourself from all the drama that your roof might cause after a strong and harsh winter storm.

1.   Remove debris

Removing debris

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of cleaning roofs. Clean your roofs before the storm and after the storm. If you can’t reach your roof, seek the help of a professional and get it cleaned before a storm. Clean it from any sort of debris that might be there because otherwise, the snow on the debris will create excessive pressure that your roof might not be able to endure. Also clear snow and any branches that may have fallen on the roof after the storm. You can trim the branches near your roof beforehand so that they don’t fall on your shingles and damage them. 

2.   Address existing damage in your roof

Address any pre-existing damage to your roof. Get the damage repaired before the storm which if not done beforehand can cause leakage, molds, fungus, and permanent damage to your roof. The pre-existing cracks can become bigger from the storm and then you might need to get your whole roof replaced.

3.   Schedule checks and inspections for your roof

You should schedule checks and inspections for your roof with a roofing company to address any kind of maintenance issue beforehand. You should be scheduling checks in spring and before winter. Doing this will help you save a lot of trouble. The workers will repair any small issue on the roof and will also see for any blocked gutters in case of rain or broken shingles. 

4.   Making sure your attic is properly insulated

Man installing thermal roof insulation layer

Make sure that your attic is properly and evenly insulated because when the warm and the cold year meet, this will make your roof condense a bit too much. Excessive condensation of your roof can cause moisture and can again cause problems like fungus, leakage, and other stuff. Also, if your roof is unevenly insulated this will lead to the accumulation of snow at one place of your roof. 

5.   Keep an eye on the weather update

Always keep an eye on the weather and keep checking for updates on any looming storm ahead. If you see any storm coming, get your roof prepared for it. Inspect it before and after the storm. Also, if any damage is incurred to your roof because of a storm get it repaired immediately. It would be smart at such a time to take pictures of the roof to claim the insurance of your roof in the future. 

6.   Keep in contact with the professional roofers

You should not take any risks when it comes to the health of your roof and you should not ignore any small damage to your roof. Therefore consult a professional roofer immediately. It’s wise to contact a professional person to do it for you with all the safety measures. You should also never attempt to get your roof repaired by yourself because it might cause more damage.

Carefully pick the roofer and make sure you go for a local roofer because they are much more knowledgeable with regard to the weather conditions in your particular area and can guide you better.

Also, before hiring the roofer from the local company make sure that you check their reviews online. This way you will be satisfied with the worker and also the work that they do. Get to know the company and roofer as much as possible and make sure that they know the work so that you might not end up getting your roof more damaged.

7.   Clean gutters and downspouts

Clean gutter

Clean any gutters or systems that you have to get water off of the roof because the blockage can cause many problems. If the water or snow gets stuck it can cause problems like leakage and may exert more pressure on the roof. 

8.   Check for weak and diseased trees

Check for any diseased and weak trees around your roof because there is the risk of them falling on your roof during the storm. Look for deformed trees, dead limbs, and weak branches that may be hanging and can be a threat to your roof.

9.   Prevent ice dams

Preventing ice dams should be one of your top priorities because this can damage your roof. Also, winter storms can make the branches freeze and break easily. One thing that you can do is use ice and water shields which will provide an additional layer of protection to the roof.

10.  Secure the loose items around your house

construction worker installs the gutter system on the roof

If you have any furniture that can be displaced easily during a storm such as lawn chairs, tables, etc, or decoration items, secure them before the storm. Tie them before they can become projectiles and damage any person or your house. This is more important when there are hurricanes and tornados. These items may break windows and other stuff nearby.


Hopefully, this article and the provided checklist may have given you a good idea of how to prepare and prevent your roof from any damage. In most cases, your roof will survive the storm without any major damage, still, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Make sure that you keep checking your roof and keep following the guidelines that are mentioned here to avoid any kind of losses and troubles.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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