How To Make Your Home A Craftsman Style Home

Craftsman Style Home

The craftsman-style houses were prevalent and have continued to be a good choice for many people due to their beauty and lasting functionality. This article will help you through the process of adding this style into your house!

Craftsman-style homes have survived for a very long time in the United States. The distinctive and unique characteristics of both interior and exterior make many people fall in love with this vintage style at first sight.

Lots of landlords want to change their modern home style to the craftsman, but they don’t know how.

So, in this article, we are going to talk about what precisely the artisan-style home is and how to make yours a craftsman style home.

First things first, let’s get started with an overview of the artisan-style houses. 

What is a craftsman-style home?


Craftsman Style Home

The mid-1800s was the golden age of Arts and Crafts. Craftsman-style houses became trendy in the United Kingdom at that time and have been attracting lots of attractions until today.

William Morris and Augustus Pugin, who were talented designers, first introduced this style. In the hectic society today, the craftsman style seems to be a symbol of a peaceful and simple life.


A craftsman style house is like a “work of art” that is made by familiar natural materials under the skillful hands of artisans.


From England, the artisan style has spread across the United States and then become widely preferred by middle-class families.


There are some distinctive features of a typical craftsman house. In the interior, a fireplace is one of the most indispensable parts. Also, there are a lot of woods and plants.

Meanwhile, the exterior of the craftsman style has a beautiful covered front porch, hanging windows, and big eaves with unprotected rafters.


The most significant advantage might come from natural elements, which allow you to enjoy a fresh environment. Also, building these houses do not cost you an arm and a leg. 

Steps to Add Craftsman Style to Your Home


Craftsman Style Home

When visiting a craftsman style house, you might get surprised by a variety of natural colors such as the green of plants, the blue of the sky, the yellow of sunshine, etc.

We highly recommend that you use a neutral color, which makes it easier to combine colors. Color matching is an art, so to have the best effects, you can ask for advice from experts.


Floors are often made by wood, stone or natural materials such as bamboo or cork. In the entryway, put a tiled mosaic. And on the floors, some monochromatic and sculpted rugs will contribute to your artisan style.


Visitors can recognize your craftsman style right from the outside thanks to architectural wood gables. Today, there are plenty of ideas about gable decorations. “Google” it to find one that you satisfy most.


If you’re interested in the craftsman style, the chances are that you have already heard about “mission style furniture.”

Created by a furniture maker, Gustav Stickley, at the turn of the 20th century, this furniture is functional and straightforward.

Oakwood, solid construction and the earthy brown color of the mission-style furniture complement the artisan setting in your home.


Try your best to keep the light unembellished and natural. Colored opaque and milk glass are signs of the Craftsman phase, so you can get the most out of them to create a vintage feeling.


Decorate your house with old maps, iron candelabra, and old family photos.

Precious collectibles hidden in a display case and historical framed drawings will demonstrate the artisan style decoration. Also, mailboxes and door knockers add touches of artisan style to the exterior. 

Wrapping Up

So now you already know what a craftsman style home is. If you are planning to change your modern house into this type, don’t forget our useful tips. Please share this article if you find it useful!

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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