Inconsistent Housing Policy Victimizes Rural Environment

co wexford

It is a situation which is unfair to everyone. It leads to splits in the community, antagonism between neighbors, intimidation and bullying. This is no riot or a problems arising out of personal hankerings! The situation is a cumulative effect of current policies regarding housing development in Co Wexford – Murrintown/Mayglass. The habitants complain that the rural character of the countryside is being despoiled there. Concerns on unsustainable development and health and safety considerations are rising in the area. Disillusionment at the inconsistencies of national and local authority decisions and the absence of overall constructive planning, is heating the air in the region. A habitant informs that of 10 planning applications to which there were objections, seven were granted by Wexford county council, and three were refused. Subsequently, six of these were refused by An Bord Pleanala, and one awaits decision. Will the government take necessary steps immediately to deal with the situation, or will let the community split based on rising antagonisms?

Via: The Examiner

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