Living Eco-Friendly: Is It Possible?


The Earth is dead, machines are sucking out the last resources from its depths. Only one family is alive, but they all are sick. There is no fresh air, no water, no plants, no animals outside of the glass shield. But people still don’t care, they believe they are immortal. Only the smallest family member is naïve and loves his pets, which are the last animals in the world.

That is why the Mother Earth has selected him to be the only person who will remember this poisoned world because only memory about it will not allow people doing it again. So, my perfect resume took this passage from a science fiction story by Eleonora Mandalyan. However, this science fiction is very close to becoming the modern reality.

People Are Killing the Planet

Some people are enjoying their lives, some are struggling, but all of them think very little about our planet. They live as if they are free to move from here to any location in the space, and everywhere they will find all that they need. Or maybe they believe that all will happen like in that science-fiction story? Will our planet give them one more chance to start everything from a new page?

However, the truth is, that if the planet dies, people will die, as well, without a single chance to survive. It is possible, and it is most likely that life will be reborn, but without people. Are people are ready for this? They behave as if they are. Moreover, they behave as if this is their greatest desire.

We Can Help to Save Our Home

Turn off the water while cleaning the teeth

However, we don’t have to wait till all collapses. We have caused this situation, and it is our task to improve it. How? Even if you aren’t a specialist, you can do some things to help our planet. Ask yourself how often you:

  • Take a bus to go to work instead of driving your car
  • Turn off the water while cleaning the teeth
  • Think twice before reprinting some information
  • Use energy-saving light bulbs

If you do at least those things, you are already helping to improve the ecology. Just imagine what will happen if all people start doing these simple things. The difference is immense. However, those aren’t the only things that can be helpful.

Do You Buy Things That Can Be Borrowed?

There are plenty of services where you can borrow books, videos, or just some domestic items which you need temporarily. Why do you need to buy them? First of all, this is cheaper. Secondly, this will help you not to load the space in your home with things which you don’t need. And, finally, but this is the most important point, as well, it helps to save our planet from additional pollution!

Reduce Energy Consumption at Home

Reduce Energy Consumption at Home

Why leave the lights on if you don’t use it? Why have the music on even though you are going out? There are so many ways to reduce energy consumption without compromising your life quality, just be more attentive and more caring.

Do You Use Cloth Towels or Paper Towels?

Okay, many people believe that using paper towels is more hygienic than using cloth towels. However, this all depends on how often you wash the cloth towels, you know. While for ecology it really matters. Just imagine how many trees are cut to make those paper towels. Do you see what it is about?

Do You Know What Recycling Means?

What Recycling Means

And how often do you recycle things? Or do you rather prefer throwing all those plastic and glass bottles in the trash? And what about gadgets? Do you know that throwing them in the trash is dangerous not only for the environment but for people, as well? By the way, if you recycle those things, you can be even paid for them.


Most people believe that they cannot do anything about the ecological situation. However, there are thousands of those little things that matter. A saved drop of water, a watt of electricity that wasn’t wasted, a cloth towel that saved a tree – all those things help make small changes. Just imagine the influence if all people on the planet would make those small things every day. The difference would be immense.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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