Marine Diversity Increasing, With Many Species Declining: Does it Reveal Climate Change Effects?

diversity of marine life

As a threat emanating from global warming, scientists feared that there will be a mass extinction of several species, which will be replaced by another vast array of dominant species. Its not generations away to witness this dreadful phenomena, the chasms (if we can say so!) have already reached the halfway point. A massive census of all the fish and other marine life in the world’s oceans has found a new evidence of the rich diversity under the sea, along with warnings about the alarming decline of many species.

The 10-year international project began in 2000. It implanted computer chips to track the migration of tuna from Japan to California and back, along with the movement of endangered British Columbia salmon. These data from the tracking program could help researchers and fishery managers conserve stocks of many species of large fish that have declined by about 90 percent over the last 50 years.

Hope these census will not only help raise awareness about the urgent need for international cooperation to preserve marine life, but, the data will likely change international treaties on fishing rights as researchers find out how fish are distributed in the ocean.

Via: Environmental News Network

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