Movie Star Cautions of Global Warming

Should we call it the best and the last resort to aware people? Making celebrities call for awareness? In a televised interview and presentation of part of the documentary “Global Warming”, movie star Leonardo Di Caprio warned of the current and future dangers caused by the global warming. The actor, known for his roles in “Titanic” and “The Aviator”, referred to the polemic matter on the popular TV program of actress and talk show host Oprah Winfrey. He declared that the recent hurricanes and tsunamis are terrible warnings of what may be yet to come. He along with Dr. Michael Oppenheimer, Princeton University professor highlighted that the US, with five percent of the world population, produces 25 percent of carbon dioxide emissions. They seemed disappointed with the Bush administration, as it has not yet signed the Kyoto protocol aimed at controlling this situation.

Via: Prensa Latina

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