Mysterious humming sound turning habitants’ lives baneful!

mystery noise is a real humdinger 9

Photo: Scientists Dr Fakhrul Alam and Dr Tom Moir with a high-sensitivity digital sound recorder, taken from Massey University

Though the source of a strange humming sound in the New Zealand city of Auckland has still left a mystery to the scientists, they believe to have pinpointed its frequency. The low level drone is found to almost certainly hitting the scales at a frequency of 56hz, according to Dr Tom Moir — a computer engineer at Massey University’s Institute of Information and Mathematical Sciences.

Though 56hz is within the standard range of human hearing — ranging from 20 to 20,000hz — it is too low making it difficult for most people to pick up. For those, who are able to hear it, the sound is a nuisance for their lives – leading to lots of distractions.

But, it seems if the source is not identified immediately, the affliction is turning to be fatal leading to tinnitus — a condition in which sufferers hearing a constant, high-pitched ringing sound – which in severe case, can affect sleep and normal daily routines. Never know, what more the Nature has in store to surprise us!

A number of high profile musicians including Beethoven, Bono and Eric Clapton are said to have suffered from tinnitus.

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