Rise of Consumerism in modern Material World

Rise of Consumerism in modern Material World

Shopping is one of the favourite pass times for many people; and when it comes to clothes shopping, well nothing goes above it. The attractive discounts, festival offers, freebies and other such tempting goodies often tempt us to shop beyond our budget. We all love to look good in our personal and professional lives; but in the bargain we end up making wrong choices, which causes a lot of strain on our finance.  Every year, there are various surveys conducted to understand the different markets and consumer shopping behaviour. Let us take a look at two such surveys’ that were conducted recently.

Results of a survey about the annual expenditure on clothes shopping

According to a research conducted by The University of Edinburgh, the UK adults spend around £40 – £100 per month on their clothing requirement; and, of course, that depends on their lifestyle and living arrangements. There is nothing wrong in buying clothes; the problem is that as much as we spend money buying them, we hardly wear them. Moreover, we complain about the lack of space in our homes only because we stack up unwanted r unused things and items including clothing. To get rid of the clothes that we do not wear, we do two main things. They are

  • Donate them for a good cause
  • Hand them down to our family and friends for use

Statistics on the clothes that are donated

Every year, close to 80% of our clothes is donated worldwide. No doubt, this is a good cause but what when we really think about it, it is also a waste of money. Close to 20% of these donated clothes still have tags on them.

This infographic sheds more light on the tenets of minimalism and also, educates us all about how materialistic we have become eventually:

Are we Living in a Material World?
Provided by Ready Steady Store

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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