Roses Delivery by Moyses Stevens: Everything You Need to Know


Whether you’re a husband looking for a Valentines Day present or a daughter looking to gift her mother the most luscious bouquet of luxury flowers, you can never go wrong with roses. Fortunately, unlike other flowers, they are available all year round, blossoming beautifully throughout the world, making them a classic choice amongst flower enthusiasts or the last-minute gift giver. Moyses Stevens have a stunning selection for you to choose from and with same day delivery in London, you don’t even have to leave your house to get them.

Roses have long been associated with love and romance and so make the perfect gift for that special someone but why are these the symbolic flower of poetry, art and literature? It’s said that the romanticism that surrounds the rose originated in Egypt thanks to Cleopatra, who famously created a carpet of rose petals to seduce Mark Anthony. Ever since then the red rose has been a perfect representation of romance, transience and beauty, even in courtly love they were used as the iconic symbol of ‘the beloved lady’. However, not all roses symbolize love though, they come in a variety of different colors and all have different meanings.

Three Dozen Red Roses Pastel Beauties Renaissance Rose

1. The Deep Red Rose

Red Roses Pastel Beauties

The flower of love and thought symbolizes commitment and a deeper bond. These flowers are the go-to on Valentines Day due to their history and will always be well received by the recipient.

2. Lightly Coloured Red Roses

Although still red and still a representative of romantic gestures, the light red rose is less intense than the deep red and usually means passion or desire for the person you’re gifting them to.

3. Pink Roses

If you’re looking for a thank you gift then look no further than the elegant cherry blossom bouquet from Moyses Stevens. Although they can be perceived as amorous, they are also associated with gratitude. They are often used to say thank you or to show a friend some admiration. The feminine and graceful charm of them also means that they are used for engagement parties and baby showers for a baby girl.

4. Peach Roses


Similar to the pink roses, the pretty and muted tone means they are perfect for expressing appreciation for someone.

5. Yellow Roses

The bright and gorgeous colour of a yellow rose has for years symbolized warmth and happiness. They are known as the friendship flower and will surely bring light to the life of the person that you gift them to.

6. White Roses

White has always been associated with purity and grace which is why the white rose is so often used in wedding ceremonies. They represent new beginnings, eternal loyalty and young love which is why they are the go-to flower for any bride. Be sure not to mistake them with ivory though as they have an entirely different meaning. They are devoid of romanticism and are more of a friendship flower than anything else.

7. Orange Roses

bouquet of luxury flowers

Nothing brightens up a vase more than orange roses. The vibrant colours are said to mean enthusiasm and energy, often gifted to those starting a new journey in life whether that be personal or professional. They convey admiration for the recipient and are great for anyone who may need a boost.

8. Purple Flowers

In the enchanting world of floristry, nothing is more magical than the rare purple rose. Said to be the symbol of ‘love at first sight’, they are a great gift for someone who you perhaps want a romantic relationship with or for someone who you have recently embarked on a loving journey with.

9. Green Roses

Just like most green flowers, green roses represent nature but also fertility. They are excellent for expressing hope in times of struggle and also symbolize rejuvenation within the body or spirit.

10. Black Roses

There seems to be a trend and increased demand for this flower that is the symbol for death. More and more people are now trying to shift its meaning into something more positive, for example using them to signify the passing of old habits and now broken bad patterns. They have definitely become very fashionable amongst the younger generation as they seek to find beauty in the most unusual places.

To find the perfect rose bouquet for you, be sure to visit

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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