Sustainable and responsible pest control at home that threatens only pests


Pest control using natural pesticides and insecticides is way more helpful than using chemical pest control system. Chemical pest control system certainly helps you get rid of pests at home but at the cost of your family’s, pet’s, and your own health. Therefore, always pick natural pest control system that kills pests without harming you, and they have minimal impact on the environment. Here are some tips that can make your eco-friendly pest control procedure a success:

For Mosquitoes

Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) in a bird bath

Mosquitoes seek areas of still air because they cannot withstand breezes, and they are most active in the morning and evenings. You ought to block their entry into your home first, and to achieve this you must close windows and doors of your home, especially the ones placed where there is no or minimal breeze.

You have to ensure that there is no standing water source around your home, so keep changing water in birdbaths, keep the gutters clean, and remove all items in the yard that collect water. You can burn some sage or rosemary leaves every evening, as its smoke helps repel mosquitoes. You can make your own DIY mosquito repellant solution by mixing one part garlic juice with five parts of water, spray it on the exposed parts of your body so that mosquito just does not sit on you, let alone biting.

For Ants

Young woman doing housework, cleaning the kitchen

Kitchen is the favorite place for ants, as they find some food patches, sugar granules, honey drops, or rice on the countertop that they simply love. However, this only happens in kitchen that is not kept well and is dirty all the time. You can keep cucumber peels at the point of entrance and mint leaves too to avert ants, as they hate these two things.

Ants have tremendous smelling power, which they use to find directions; you should wash their trail with a solution of vinegar, peppermint, clove, or eucalyptus oil that removes all the smell, making it difficult for the ants to find their way into your home.


Portrait of a woman with a fly on her nose

They irritate you with their creepy movements on your skin, they sit on your food and you know what they do to it. You can get rid of flies in a green way by placing herbal sachets on your doors and windows. To make these sachets, take cheesecloth and fill it with bay leaf, crushed mint, eucalyptus, and clove, and there you are ready with a natural fly repellant.

Flypaper is another option that you can either get from the market or make on your own at home. Place basil plant besides doors and windows so that flies stay away from your home. If there is one particular area in your home infested by flies then you can dip a cloth in eucalyptus oil and keep it at that spot, flies hate it so much that they will leave the place immediately.

For Spiders

Spiders love to hide

Spiders love to hide at the back of the doors, in small cracks and just about anywhere, they like. You can make all spiders leave your home with a mixture of little bit of detergent and peppermint essential oil. Store this mixture in a spray bottle and spray it wherever you see the cobwebs and the places you suspect spider infestation in.

They hate peppermint oil and will soon leave your abode. Coconut oil and vinegar is another mixture spiders hate. Spray it everywhere except for the furniture, walls and other thing you do not want to get stains of coconut oil.

Many people go in for pest control that brings into use harmful chemicals that do kill pests but also cause certain health issues to themselves and the chemicals badly influence the environment around. Therefore, on should use natural pest control options that help get rid of pests without harming environs.

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