Tips for Protecting Yourself from Smog

Many urban areas deal with smog – a type of air pollution with elevated ozone levels. With high levels of ozone in the air, it’s not only uneasy to breathe but this condition may have several negative effects on your lungs. No matter you live in a big city or passing through a metropolitan area during a road trip, you must know how to protect yourself from smog.

Here are some of the important tips to keep in mind when you’re stuck in smog conditions.

  1. Stay indoors

If you don’t have any important work outside your home or office, try to stay indoors. It’s no-brainer that air filled with ozone is harmful to your lungs. Therefore, avoid going out for morning or evening walks. Instead, do workout indoors at your home or gym. It’s best to avoid going out in case of a smog alert in your region.

  1. Get a pollution mask

Well, it’s not possible to completely avoid going out of your house – as you obviously need to go out of the house for work, grocery shopping or for any other activity. So, it is a good idea to invest in a quality pollution mask that cuts down pollutant in-take while breathing. The pollution masks are easily available in nearby pharmacies, and the price range varies from lower to higher, depending on the quality of the mask.

  1. Avoid congested areas

It’s best not to use cars more often during smog conditions, as it will only increase the pollution levels. But if you must, then avoid taking the roads that are more congested or often stuck in traffic jams. This way you’ll only feel more suffocated and chances to inhale bad air are more in such areas.

  1. Invest in air purifiers

You must check the quality of indoor air as well. So, it’s best to invest in air purifiers to keep air pollutants in check. An air purifier not only checks the air quality, but also converts vents out air pollutants, leaving fresh air inside your home. Moreover, it also keeps levels of humidity in check and adjusts indoor temperature as per the current climatic conditions.

  1. Indoor plants

Besides air purifiers, you can also add indoor plants to your house for cleaner and fresh air. The plants like Aloe Vera, Spider Plant, and Ivy are good for sucking large amount of carbon dioxide and pollutants from the air, providing only fresh air to breathe. Another advantage of growing indoor plants is that these living species add greener aesthetic charm to any dwelling.

  1. Drink lots of water

Another way to stay healthy and fit during smog conditions is by drinking lots of water. Drinking plenty of water is a good idea to flush out toxins and pollutants from your body. Moreover, water keeps your body hydrated no matter how the climatic conditions are.

  1. Eat healthy

 Eat healthy

When you’re often exposed to smog, chances are that you get more prone to respiratory infections. Therefore, you must opt a healthier lifestyle to stay fit and keep your body functioning actively. Do indulge in workouts, walking in the house and also eat healthy foods to maintain your metabolism.

  1. Stay covered up

Not only through your nose, or mouth, but according to few studies, air pollutants can also enter your body through your skin. This can also lead to premature ageing, as well as skin diseases like eczema. So, it’s best to keep your body covered when you head out of your home.

In cities, the problem of air pollution is going from bad to worse, but with few precautions you can avoid the health issues that may come along with smog.

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