Top 5 Benefits of Using Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

Benefits of Using Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

There’s a common misconception that living green is a tedious endeavor that requires significant changes to one’s current lifestyle. While there’s some truth in the latter, going green or at least starting to do so doesn’t need to be complicated or cumbersome at all. If you’re truly keen on incorporating earth-friendly practices into your daily routine, you may start by simply switching out your current cleaning products with eco-friendly ones. Listed below are some benefits you can enjoy if you choose to indeed make the switch to such supplies.

1. They Contain Less Harsh Chemicals

Surface cleaning home

Cleaning products must always be handled with care. As they can be a hazard to children, pets, and even objects you keep at home, it’s essential to store and handle them properly. Aside from that, the products you use should not contain chemicals that could pose a threat to your well-being in the long run.

As standard cleaning products are chemically engineered to be cheap and simply get the job done, you can’t always guarantee they’re safe to be exposed to for long periods. Eco-friendly disinfectants undoubtedly make use of chemicals that are less harsh than those typically found in common cleaning products. For example, regular cleaning products would use formaldehyde or sulfate and the like, while eco-friendly ones would use vinegar and certain herbs like lavender which are gentle and effective.

2. Fewer Allergens and Irritants

If you’ve experienced sneezing, itchy eyes, or perhaps even skin rashes every time you clean, you should check out the ingredients of your cleaning supplies. This is because harsh chemicals in regular cleaning products such as bleach and sodium hypochlorite could lead to bad allergies and reactions without you knowing it.

Since it’s difficult to pinpoint which specific chemicals will act as allergens and which won’t, the safer and smarter countermeasure would be to invest in eco-friendly supplies from the get-go. They’re formulated to be milder, safer, and less toxic than conventional cleaning products. Moreover, eco-friendly cleaning products are less likely to irritate and trigger reactions. This in turn can truly promote the overall good health of you and your loved ones.

3. Gentle on the Skin


Your skin is the largest living organ in your body. As such, it’s often easily exposed to harsh variables that can harm it. Several traditional cleaning products suggest that you don’t come into contact with them directly. This is because they contain harsh chemicals that could negatively impact your health with prolonged exposure. Chemicals such as ammonia and sodium lauryl sulfate found in regular cleaning supplies have been discovered to trigger allergies and irritations over time.

On the other hand, eco-friendly cleaning supplies generally use milder chemicals in their formulation. This makes it to be safer to be exposed to. You could be assured in knowing that eco-friendly disinfectants won’t harm your skin as much as regular cleaning supplies would.

4. Better for the Air In Your Home

Some cleaning supplies can unknowingly emit toxic vapor, such as chloramines, into the very air you breathe at home with each use. Continuously breathing in toxicity can make you and your loved ones susceptible to developing all sorts of respiratory conditions or other relevant health problems. It would thus do you well to make sure everything you use at home is truly safe for usage. Eco-friendly supplies use milder chemicals that are safer not only for you but for the people living in your home.

5. They Are Safer For the Environment


Cleaning products can also contribute to pollution. Although their harmful impact on the environment isn’t as apparent as other pollutants, they could still contribute to and damage the earth. Our water systems constantly struggle to cleanse harsh chemicals, such as lye and chlorine, from everyday cleaning waste. The detrimental effects on the environment from these substances can linger on for decades.

Ultimately, eco-friendly cleaning products with the usage of ingredients like rosemary, bay, and other natural alternatives don’t significantly harm the environment in their formulation. Choosing to support such products can lessen one’s carbon footprint and help mitigate pollution even if by just a bit. Consequently, collective action from mankind is what the earth currently needs to combat global warming. Making all these minute eco-friendly choices can make all the difference in the long run. 

Bottom line

Your day-to-day cleaning supplies don’t have to harm the earth to keep your home spick and span. While keeping your home spotless with disinfectants and the like is certainly crucial in ensuring the well-being of you and your loved ones, they should not contain ingredients that clean at the earth’s expense.

As important as it is to take care of one’s health, one should also make a conscious effort to preserve the earth. Going green doesn’t have to start with big changes that are difficult to accomplish. Simply switching out cleaning supplies you would regularly use with eco-friendly ones could make a huge difference. Considering the switch to eco-friendly supplies and the abovementioned points to aid in supplementing you and your loved one’s health while doing your part to preserve the environment.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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