Off Beat

Marine Conservation High on Bush’s Agenda

President Bush is calling for more federal dollars to conserve America’s oceans and coastlines.

In his fiscal plan for 2008, the president budgeted an additional $140 million to protect oceans, fish and ecosystems.

John Connelly, president of the.

A water landscape isolated for millions of years!

A huge 500m deep Antarctic lake covering an area twice the size of Yorkshire and having enough water to provide London its water needs for 5,000 years lies under an ice sheet four kilometres deep.
Lake Vostok, was discovered beneath a Russian research..

Latest gadgets help Amazon tribes to Fight Exploiters

The Amazon, the world’s most biologically diverse habitat is also home to numerous unidentified, isolated tribes. These people still live off the forest yet protect it by their wider wisdom. Today their land is under threat from deforestation and…

Sex-changing chemicals contaminates U.S. Potomac River

The West Virginia tributaries of the Potomac River are found to be polluted with sex-changing chemicals. These chemicals contaminating the water that runs through Washington, D.C. and surrounding areas is known to change the sexual characteristics of.

Nancy Pelosi for Panel on Global Warming

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has taken a mammoth decision by moving to create a special committee to recommend legislation for cutting greenhouse gases. This move is surely going to jumpstart the traditional thinking concerning economic gains vis-a-vis.

Ecological effects of Skiing in Alpine habitats

The frequent diminishing of snowfall in the lower reaches of Alpine mountains has impelled ski lovers to mount high ranges for winter sports and develop new ski resorts. But the practice has been frightening the lives of already endangered bird…

Emirates: The most wasteful nation on the planet

UAE, one of the richest nations in the world has achieved the dubious distinction of being the most wasteful nation.

The WWF data shows that an average person in the Emirates puts more demand on the global ecosystem than any other, giving the country..

The ecology we observe today is a product of history

Often we assume that today’s condition whether pollution or any matter related to ecosystem is the outcome of present scenario. However, it is not the case the ecology we observe today is a product of our past deeds or of history, to be more precise….

Research: Birds change tunes with environment

People using different dialects in different regions is heard of, but, have you ever heard of same kind of birds voicing differently as per the habitat?

A new research carried out in China on a bird called lingque zuibi indicates that birds of a…

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