What made US Government block wind farm plans? Politics…?

is this the future of nantucket sound

Politics has always been a major factor in decidng the development of a region. Similarly, a tug-of-war arises between environment and defence — more than a dozen wind farms are been ordered to stop from whirling by the U.S. government. Environmentalists, rather wind power supporters blame politics to be behind this conspiracy, further stressing that this jesture has little reasons to link national security with it, according to a Chicago Tribune report.

According to the Tribune, the US government attempts to stop installing 130 turbines in Nantucket Sound. And, this has defered the scheduled installation of new wind farms across Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota.

Even, some wealthy vacationers too support the government’s decision, as they believe that a wind farm off the Cape Cod, Mass., and coast would spoil the view of the ocean from their summer homes! So, can we contemplate tourism, and not defence, to be a major factor driving the government to make this decision?

Via: Physorg

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