Why are the exotic beasts becoming extinct?


You must have noticed and read about animals getting extinct day by day. Today we will discuss and talk about a wonderful beast that has ended up in extinction due to our negligence and our negative behavior towards the wildlife and their habitats. The species that we will discuss today are only left with two females around the world, and so you see, we are seeing this animal going into extinction, and we have nothing to do about it except for thinking of creating new energy companies on their habitats and rendering them to death.

If you haven’t guessed the species yet, then just keep reading and understand the importance of these animals on earth and try changing your attitude and spread awareness among people to save the lives of these animals.

The Northern White Rhino

Northern white rhino is basically a breed of white rhinos that belongs in Kenya. Today as you read this article there are only two white females left in the world. The breed was kept at Natural Park in Kenya when only three of them were left, one male and two females, but due to environmental changes and other genetic issues, they were unsuccessful in breeding and bringing back the species to life, and eventually, the male died three years back.

So you must be thinking that why are these rhinos guarded and why did they end up in extinction. The reason is poaching and hunting of these beautiful animals for their horns. The horns of the white rhino are worth more than $60,000 in the black market, and for this huge amount of money this species was hunted and poached to the extent that we are witnessing it die and fade out in front of our very eyes. The horn of the northern white rhino is used in making of drugs and medicines. It was hunted illegally in the last two decades, and as a result they got extinct completely in the wild. The two existing females are actually mother and daughter and were kept in a zoo all their lives before they were brought to their natural reserve in Kenya.

We Need to Change Our Mindset

Scientists are working on artificial insemination

Now, instead of looking into new ways of burning already limited fuel reserves and wasting water it is important that we help ourselves and these animals and make this earth a beautiful place to live in. Scientists are working on bringing this species back with the help of artificial insemination. So we should spread awareness and help this project to be successful if this goes well we can improve our mistakes and can take care of these animals and respect their habitats instead of ruining them with large power stations, factories, and industries. It’s high time that we spread awareness around us so that the next generation is more educated and responsible.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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