Choosing the Right Compostable Bags for Your Business: Types and Benefits

Choosing the Right Compostable Bags for Your Business Types and Benefits

Recently, one of the most thoroughly researched topics has been sustainable practices and their benefits to our environment. As we continue to explore ways to effectively address the challenges of waste management and environmental degradation, compostable bags are becoming very popular and being used for various purposes including collecting food waste and packaging products.

In today’s eco-conscious market, no discussion of trending bags is complete without mentioning compostable bags. These eco-friendly alternatives are designed to decompose quickly into water, carbon dioxide, and biomass in a composite environment. Unlike the centuries, it takes traditional plastic bags to break down.

Compostable bags come in a variety of types and designs, all of which are beneficial in their own unique way and choosing the right one for your specific needs can be tricky. But once you know how it is completely worth it.

Understanding Compostable Bags

Compostable bags will break down into natural elements in a composting environment and even quickly in composting facilities, leaving no toxic residue. The potential of these bags to lighten our ecological footprint is quite impressive. Because they are intended to decompose quickly in the right conditions, this simply means less waste will pile up and thus less pollution.

However, it is not as easy as just swapping plastic for compostable options. Their impact largely depends on us; how we dispose of them, and whether they end up in the proper composting facilities that handle them.

Compostable bags come from natural, often plant-based materials such as corn starch, potato starch, and PLA (polylactic acid), which are all about using what the Earth naturally provides. The beauty of these materials is that they can break down completely in about three to six months in an industrial composting setup, which provides the perfect mix of moisture, warmth, and air. This process transforms them back into elements like carbon dioxide, water, and valuable compost, returning nutrients back to the earth.

Certifications and Standards

When you’re out shopping for compostable bags, how do you know they’re the real deal? Look for certain certifications that assure you the bags can safely and effectively break down. Here are some key ones to keep an eye out for:

  • ASTM D6400: This standard is your assurance that the bags can break down efficiently in commercial composting facilities.
  • EN 13432: Popular in Europe, this certification ensures that the material can disintegrate and biodegrade within specific time frames under commercial composting conditions.
  • BPI Certification: In North America, this label means the bags meet rigorous standards to ensure they will compost safely.

Types of Compostable Bags

Types of Compostable Bags

In our ongoing efforts to reduce plastic waste, different types of compostable bags are emerging as viable alternatives.

Biodegradable Plastic Bags

These bags might feel look and feel like the regular plastic bags but they aren’t and like most compostable bags they are designed to break down quickly if exposed to the right composting environment. They are a handy choice for everyday tasks like collecting scraps, cleaning up after your furry friends, and even carrying groceries.

Things to Keep in Mind:

  • Ideal Conditions: These bags need the right environment (moisture, oxygen, and tiny microbes) to decompose properly.
  • Recycling Oops: It’s easy to accidentally toss them in the recycling bin, so be mindful of where you dispose of them.
  • Price Point: They might cost a bit more than traditional plastic bags.

Who They’re Perfect For:

  • Waste Management Pros: Companies collecting organic waste love these bags.
  • Pet Stores: These bags are a great way to keep things tidy when walking your dog.
  • Retailers: Using these bags shows customers you care about the environment.

Paper-Based Compostable Bags

Made from sustainable paper, these bags often have a special compostable lining. They are suitable for lightweight items like yard waste. Plus, they have a natural look and feel that many people find appealing.

Things to Keep in Mind:

  • Not for Water: If they get wet, they can get soggy, so they’re best for dry stuff.
  • Handle with Care: They might tear more easily than plastic if you overload them.
  • Cost: These bags might be slightly pricier than regular paper bags.

Who They’re Perfect For:

  • Grocery Stores: They’re a great choice for holding produce or bulk items.
  • Restaurants and Cafes: Takeout orders or food scraps can go right in these bags.
  • Farmers Markets: Customers can carry their fresh finds home in them.

Read More: Fifteen most beautiful recycled paper products

Plant-Based Compostable Bags

These bags are made from things like cornstarch or potato starch, so they’re fully compostable. They often come from renewable sources, making them a popular choice for folks who are passionate about sustainability.

Things to Keep in Mind:

  • Composting is Key: They need to be in a compost pile or facility to break down properly.
  • Might Not Be Super Strong: They might not be the best for heavy items.
  • Price Point: They might be a bit more expensive than traditional plastic bags.

Who They’re Perfect For:

  • Food Service: Leftover food scraps can go right in these bags for composting.
  • Retailers: Offering these bags shows your commitment to eco-friendly choices.
  • Manufacturers Packaging eco-conscious products in these bags is a great way to go green.

Benefits of Using Compostable Bags for Your Business

Environmental Impact

  1. Waste Reduction: Compostable bags significantly reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills. Unlike traditional plastic bags, which can take hundreds of years to break down, compostable bags decompose naturally into organic matter. This means less waste clogs up landfills and contributes to long-term pollution problems.
  1. Lower Carbon Footprint: The production of traditional plastic bags requires fossil fuels and releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Compostable bags, especially those made from plant-based materials, typically have a lower carbon footprint, meaning they contribute less to climate change during production and disposal.
  1. Protection of Marine Life: Plastic bags are a significant source of pollution in our oceans, harming marine life through ingestion and entanglement. Compostable bags break down naturally and don’t pose the same threat to marine ecosystems.
  1. Soil Enrichment: When compostable bags break down, they turn into nutrient-rich compost. This compost can be used to enrich soil, improve plant growth, and promote healthier ecosystems.

Economic and Brand Benefits

  1. Cost-Effective: While compostable bags might seem a bit pricier upfront, they can actually save you money over time. How? They can reduce waste disposal costs and potentially even qualify for tax incentives or rebates in some areas.
  1. Building a Brand People Love: Consumers are increasingly drawn to businesses that prioritize sustainability. Using compostable bags sends a powerful message about your commitment to the environment, attracting eco-conscious customers and boosting your brand image.
  1. Meets Customer Demand: More and more people are seeking out businesses that offer eco-friendly options. By switching to compostable bags, you’re not only doing the right thing but also catering to a growing market demand.

Operational Efficiency

  1. Streamlining Waste Management: Compostable bags can simplify your waste management processes. They can be collected alongside food waste or yard waste, reducing the need for sorting and streamlining disposal.
  1. Seamless Integration: Compostable bags can easily fit into your existing waste systems. They can be collected in the same bins as other organic waste, making the transition smooth and hassle-free.
  1. Educating Your Team and Customers: Train your staff on the proper use and disposal of compostable bags. This type of training can lead to more consistent and correct use of these bags, which helps ensure they are disposed of in a way that maximizes their environmental benefits. The same goes for your customers, encourage them to participate in your sustainability efforts.

Implementing Compostable Bags in Your Business

Transitioning to compostable bags can seem daunting, but with careful planning and execution, it can be a smooth and rewarding process for your business. Here is an easy guide to help you.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Assess Your Needs: Start by identifying the types of bags you use most frequently and the volume you need. Consider the different materials available (biodegradable plastic, paper-based, or plant-based) and their suitability for your specific applications.
  1. Research Suppliers: Look for reputable suppliers who offer high-quality compostable bags that meet recognized standards (e.g., EN 13432 for Europe, ASTM D6400 for the US). Request samples and compare prices, quality, and environmental certifications.
  1. Calculate Costs: Determine the initial investment required for switching to compostable bags. Consider factors like bag prices, potential discounts for bulk orders, and any additional costs for storage or disposal.
  1. Develop a Rollout Plan: Decide on a gradual or full-scale implementation. Start with a pilot program to test different bag types and gather feedback from staff and customers.
  1. Educate Your Staff: Train your employees on the proper use and disposal of compostable bags. Provide clear instructions on where to store them and how to communicate their benefits to customers.
  1. Inform Your Customers: Clearly communicate your switch to compostable bags to your customers. Explain the environmental benefits and how they can contribute by properly disposing of the bags
  1. Monitor and Adjust: Track your progress by monitoring bag usage, waste reduction, and customer feedback. Make adjustments to your strategy as needed based on your findings.

Just like moving from one apartment to another, the process of swapping from conventional plastic bags to compostable bags comes with its challenges. But there is always a solution for every challenge.

Read More: 5 Ways Your Small Business can do good for the Environment

Common Challenges and Solutions:

  • Higher initial cost
  • Consumer confusion
  • Limited availability
  • Local regulations

Tips for Success:

  • Start Small: Begin with a pilot program to test different types of compostable bags and assess their performance.
  • Partner with a Composting Facility: If possible, collaborate with a local composting facility to ensure proper disposal of compostable bags and waste.
  • Promote Your Efforts: Share your commitment to sustainability with your customers through social media, newsletters, or in-store signage.

By following these steps and addressing potential challenges, you can successfully implement compostable bags in your business,


Compostable bags offer an innovative solution to the problems posed by traditional plastic waste, presenting a variety of environmental, economic, and operational advantages for businesses. They come in several forms, each suited to different uses and benefits.

The environmental benefits of adopting compostable bags are clear and compelling. They help reduce landfill waste, cut down on pollution, and contribute to the preservation of marine life and ecosystems. Economically, they can potentially lower long-term costs associated with waste management and attract customers who prefer to patronize environmentally responsible businesses.

For business owners looking to make a switch, the time has never been better. The growing demand for sustainable products means more options and potentially lower costs as these products become more mainstream.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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