5 Most amazing portraits made using recycled materials

Recycled Art

Some stuff is unquestionably meant for the dustbins and junkyards. But ironically that does not mean it is trash. There are plenty of reasons to believe this statement. Recall your kindergarten days, many a times in art and craft sessions, paintings were made with pieces of colored paper. The colored paper was purposely shredded. That was art for the tiny tots. Grown up adults have created marvelous portraits using all tit bit junk material like broken tiles, glass, buttons, film reels and much more beyond our imagination. Celebrities have been captured in wine corks and recycled cassette tapes. Sometimes they have gone to the extent of donating their own junk to impart a more personal touch to their portraits. Some interesting waste art pieces are described below, take a look.

1. Portraits Made of Electronic Junk

Portraits Made of Electronic Junk

3D celebrity mosaics illustrated in recycled junk is what Jason Mecier is known for. Some of the materials used for the portraits has actually been donated by celebrities. This includes bizarre stuff like dirty laundry, shredded slippers, sunglasses and sometimes even anti-itching creams. Jason’s art is a personal depiction of the subject’s life. Their moods are well captured in their personal belongings. The minimum time for finishing a single portrait is 50 hours. The image of Lady GaGa took almost two months.

2. Portraits Made From Thousands of Repurposed Wine Corks

Portraits Made From Thousands of Repurposed Wine Corks

Chicago based artist, Scott Gundersen keeps challenging his own art and creations. This time he is embellishing his own drawings with discarded wine corks. The sequence in which he prepares the portraits starts with clicking pictures. Then he sketches the same in pencil. Corks of different colors and tones are stacked in separate piles. He then sketches them in pencil. Corks with different tones and colors are piled in different stalks. The pencil sketch is then colored using the corks. Gundersen’s portraits also grabbed the attention of the popular show `Repley’s Believe It’ or not.

3. Portraits Made Out of Recycled Cassette Tape

Portraits Made Out of Recycled Cassette Tape

Cassette tapes are music antiques that are no longer in use. Erika Iris Simmons has used relic cassette tapes for crafting portraits. Old film reels and recycled cassettes are used to shape up portraits of musicians – John Denver, Van Morison, Michael Jackson, Marilyn Monroe and many other celebrities.

4. Jane Perkins art made from everyday objects

Jane Perkins recycled art

For Jane Perkins no imaginable product could be waste. A nurse by profession, her love for art, made her switch paths. She uses all sort of stuff like buttons, marbles, jewelry, sea shells and tile pieces for her portraits. She collects these from junk yards and recycling centers. All her portraits are replete with colors and she claims to use anything colorful for her art pieces. Her work reflects the Ecuadorian touch. Ecuadorians used broken tiles exclusively while Jane uses all kinds of material.

5. Zac Freeman art

Zac Freeman art

Zac Freeman is so mad for creating masterpieces from household junk that for the past many years he has been collecting household junk to compile it into portraits. In order to give his work a 3D effect, glue has been used to meld bottle caps, keyboard pieces, nails and many other things. His out-of-the-box thinking has taken his work to many exhibitions around the world and also has been invitingly received by the HD archives. For distinguishing the features of human faces in his portraits, one has to observe them from a distance.

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