5 Consumables that need safe recycling

Safe recyclingRecycling is an environmentalist’s fundamental of preserving resources, utilizing it in an optimum manner and then further reuse it to the best. It is the call of the environment to recycle wastage and use them to mankind’s use. Nature has always been kind and blessed mankind with resources. It is our duty to use the resources wittily and in such a manner that our future generations don’t get starved of the resources. This is a miniature list of some of the consumables that need safe recycling and a bit of care from our side. Our environment needs us too.

1. Food containers

Fast foods have day by day become part of our lives and so have the containers that carry the fast foods. It is fun consuming them, but waste disposing them. They form a huge part of the total garbage. These containers cannot be recycled due to the oil soaking paper fibers that adorn the containers. The containers are made up of various materials as wax, foil, lacquer which can’t be recycled. But there are some food containers, made from plastic or zip packs that can be stored for a long time. Once used and then cleansed properly, these containers take care of food for a long period of time.

2. Appliances

Any kind of appliance can give you hassles once its warranty period is over. In such a case, it would be wise if you do not dispose your appliance, but then you can’t store it for long. Fridge, television, electronic iron are some of the appliances that if disposed, form chemical wastage. Most of the electronic items are made with chemicals and wires. It’s better not to let them form a junk of garbage in our own compounds. Instead, loosely repair them so as to enable the appliances to function moderately and then donate them to someone who is in dire need of it as say a church or an orphanage.

3. Paint

A consumable that requires your careful attention. Paint as we all know, contains harmful chemicals that are injurious to health. Though there are eco-friendly options available today as anti-lead paint, yet one needs to be careful about paint disposals. Most of the time, paintings come with a set of instructions on its tin’s back about its disposal, you have another alternative present. If you feel the paint can is of no use as your house won’t require touch-ups for the next few years, you can happily donate the paint can to your neighborhood charity. Also ask them to carefully seal the can after use and then dispose as mentioned.

4. Plastic Bags

The biggest cause of pollution is the plastic bag. Available at every nook and corner of the street and handed down with almost everything, these plastic bags is no more than a nuance to the society. They cannot be easily disposed and create problems for our society. You are at a loss even if you burn them, and soil disposal is not the ultimate solution. It’s better if you keep on recycling them and using them till they are tittered.

5. Old Mattresses and Pillows

They provide a good night’s sleep when in good condition. You rely solely on them for a night’s rest or a siesta. But what happens when they grow old? You are likely to throw them out and gift yourself a new set of mattress and pillow to enjoy a good night’s sleep. But careful disposal is also sought of in this case. If you go by law, you may not be allowed to resell your old mattress. Old mattresses often lose their comfort factor, their softness and tend to arouse back pain, body aches. This is the primary reason the law refurbished the idea of reselling a mattress. But there is still someone who needs it and you will not break any law, they are animals or your darling pets. They can find cozy comfort in your old mattresses and pillows.

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