5 Facts about rainforests you didn’t know

Amazon Rainforest

Rain forests are very dense, green and home for many species including insects, worms, birds, reptiles, micro organism, etc. They are characterized by high rainfall throughout the year. In rain forest, annual rain fall is more than 1700 mm to 2000 mm. The rain forests have huge role to play in earth’s climate control. Rain forests also produce almost 30% of the world’s oxygen each year. As rain forests are very dense, in many areas sun light is not able to enter properly. Tropical rain forests are known as the ‘jewel of the earth’ and the world’s largest natural pharmacy as almost 30% of natural pharmacy has been discovered in here. Amazon’s rain forest is very famous for its dense, lush green forest and as per the legacy the great El-Dorado is still inside the Amazon rainforest, but due to its dangerous nature nobody is able to explore the same in full details.

Here is a list of 5 facts about rain forests you didn’t know.

1. Bio diversity

Bio diversity

A rainforest of four square mile area contains more than 1500 species of different plants, trees, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and butterflies. Almost 2000 rain forest plants can be used as an alternative to fruits and vegetables. 70% of the trees have the property of prevent cancer, identified by US Cancer Federation. Almost 40% of the prescribed drugs in US have the ingredients from these plants. Almost one third of the species of bird lives in Amazon rain forest. Also the rain forests are not explored properly. If we are able to discover the rain forest properly without affecting the balance then we will find a natural resource reservoir in the rain forests such as minerals, fuels and fresh water.

2. World’s thermostat

Resource of fresh water

Rain forests are working as a thermostat of the world as it reduces carbon dioxide and releases oxygen to freshen up the air. At the same time, Amazon rain forests have almost one fifth of the fresh water of the entire world and they are very critical to maintain and regulate the earth’s water supply and fresh drinking water. It stores water from the rain such as sponge store water. Rain forests covered only 6% of the earth’s surface area but very helpful to control the temperature and weather patterns.

3. Prevent soil erosion

Tree in rainforest

Rain forests are very helpful in preventing the forest floor. One may not find much nutrients in the soil as most of the nutrients are taken by the trees. But the roots are binding the soil and they prevent them from eroding over time. But if the trees are destroyed from the area, heavy rain will wash away the soil and it will cause flood and water logging. Rain forest prevents flood and earthquakes and helps the earth’s surface.

4. Plants and animals

Flying SquirrelRain forests are very deep and dense. Sometimes it is so dense that rain water on the canopy comes to the tree almost after ten minutes. In some rain forests, monkeys are omnivores, i.e., they eat both animals and plants. In Asian rain forests, one can spot flying frogs, squirrel and snakes.

5. Rain forest deforestation


Tropical rainforests produce almost one third of the oxygen that is needed in earth for a healthy living. But rain forests are destroyed in an alarming rate across the globe. Human being wanted to build more concrete buildings and roads, and in this process they are destroying rain forests. If present rate is maintained then by 2025 half of the rain forest will be destroyed from the surface of the earth and by 2060 there will be no rain forest to provide our future generation with enough oxygen. Every second we are losing rain forests of size of the two football fields. Every day we are losing around an area which is larger than all the five boroughs of New York City. Every year we are losing an area twice the size of Florida. This is very shocking news for everyone of us. In this rate, we are destroying the future of earth and mankind.

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