5 Safe Ways to Get Rid of Geese


Having a pond, lake, or river next to your property is great for scenic value. The large mass of water is also bound to attract all sorts of exotic critters. One such critter is the Canadian goose.

Unlike most North American water fowl, Canadian geese are tough, hearty birds. They can stand up to the coldness of winter climates and possess a bad attitude. The dangers these geese pose to your property is twofold. First, they wreck your lawn and then they leave their E. coli ridden droppings where it once was.

If you live in a rural area, then you have the benefit of using noise cannons and firecracker pistols to scare off geese. Depending on your local gaming laws, you may even be allowed to kill some. Suburban and residential areas, however, are going to have it the hardest. The best option is to hire a pest control specialist, but they don’t come cheap. Here are five safe, cheap ways to keep geese off your property.

No Feeding

No-FeedingYou might’ve thrown bread and food scraps to geese, but it’s got to stop! Feeding them by hand is worse. A Canadian goose’s bill contains tiny razor sharp teeth that can slash skin. Laws also state that any stray animals you feed are considered your pets. The geese themselves will expect food from you and chase after you when they don’t get it.


Canines are mankind’s best friends, and enemies to geese. Herding dogs, like collies and setters, are optimal for goose control. This establishes a dominant predator to keep geese in line. The dog must be trained to only intimidate, not harm.


Geese fear territorial animals. Plastic statues and effigies of swans, owls, and even crocodile heads come close to the real deal. Even fake dead geese can be a good deterrent. However, you will need to reposition them every so often. Wind ornaments are often good for simulating movement. An even better option would be a remote controlled variation that moves fast and makes plenty of noise.

Inedible Grass

 Inedible-Grass.Water fowl are largely herbivorous. Their favorite strain is Kentucky Blue Grass, but any common lawns are fair game. Tall Fescue grass tastes bitter to geese and may give them stomach irritation. Thick and heavy plants grown at water’s edge are also good deterrents. Growing cat tails and keeping heavy shrubs increases the threat of predators.


Chemical repellants should be used delicately given the risk of contaminating pets and yourself. Flight Control brand goose repellant is safe and ethical. A Flight Control treated lawn will affect the goose’s visual and olfactory senses. Since geese have four retinal cones (unlike three cones in humans), the treated grass will have an unnatural coloration to it. When the geese feed they’ll nibble on the grass as a way of “sampling.” If the geese “sample” or eat the strange grass, they will have severe gastric irritation. Without any good food sources, those geese will take flight in no time.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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