Why any eco business needs to conduct regular Risk Assessments

Risk Assessments

Internal assessments are the top way to uncover any risks present in your eco-friendly workplace. By utilizing your risk management department and conducting risk assessments, you get the ability to reduce risks, comply with safety regulations and create and maintain a much healthier work environment within your eco business.

Under current workplace legislation, it is the employer who is responsible for removing any barriers preventing safe work. If this obligation isn’t upheld, the company’s image is going to suffer, which makes it more difficult to recruit quality people and can also result in a loss of trust in customers.

Getting to know more about risk management and risk assessments is the best way to see why conducting them regularly is so important.

Risk Assessments Defined

Risk Assessments

Risk assessments are systematic methods of looking at specific work activities and thinking about what may go wrong, while deciding on the proper control measures to help prevent injuries, damages or loss in the workplace as employees go on to carry out their sustainable work practices. Any assessment needs to include the controls that are required to minimize, reduce or eliminate the risks.

Importance of Risk Assessments

It is your job as an eco conscious employer to make sure that your employees remain safe while at work. Many internal complaints are made due to inadequate workplace safety.

If you aren’t currently aware of the risks present in your workplace, then you are putting everyone at risk. Also, when implementing workplace safety measures, be sure you go beyond the legal minimum to help eliminate as much of the risk as possible.

Benefits Offered by Conducting a Risk Assessment

Conducting a Risk Assessment

When you invest in a risk assessment, you may find certain safety issues and make corrections to fix the problem. Doing so can also have a whole range of additional benefits for your company.

Optimal Levels of Productivity

By eliminating barriers workers face when trying to do their job and by providing them the best working tools to complete their jobs, both quality of work and productivity increase. If your workers have to deal with defective systems or tools, they have to waste time attempting to fix things – this results in both wasted time and money. And you know, wasted resources is not good for environment.

Happier and More Satisfied Employees

 Satisfied Employees

When you take steps to provide a healthy and stress-free work environment, it will result in better employee attitudes. Today, workplace safety is a huge concern for workers. When people feel safe and valued at work, they are much more likely to stay working for you – thus reducing employee turnover and its associated costs

More Qualified Employees

When someone is trying to figure out where they want to work, businesses known for safety are going to rank higher than those with safety issues. As a result, the safer you make your employees, the higher quality talent you are going to attract.

Save Money and Resources

save money

It makes sense if you think about it – when there are fewer injuries, there are fewer costs and workers compensation claims. Employees who are happy result in reduced training and turnover costs. Also, fewer incidents also lead to a lower chance of penalties, fines and lawsuits. The cost of conducting a risk assessment and then investing in the changes needed in your workplace are relatively low compared to the cost associated with not doing so.

As you can see, the benefits offered by utilizing your risk management team and conducting risk assessments far outweigh the costs associated with this. Be sure you are giving your employees the safest work environment by conducting these assessments frequently. In most cases, depending on your industry, a few times a year is enough. However, if you work in a particularly dangerous or risky industry, conducting them more often will be well worth the investment.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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