Bursting myths that surround green homes

You must have heard of several environmental and individual benefits of having a green home. You also must have heard or read somewhere some negative things about building a green home, which has confused you so much that you are unable to decide whether building a green home is good or not.

Green homes actually have many benefits to offer and all that negative stuff you hear is nothing but pesky misconceptions. To help you get rid of all the confusion, here are some green home myths debunked:

Myth 1: Green products don’t help the environment

tree on human hand

As of now, not many green homes have come to life because not many people believe the worth of using green products. Green materials are non-toxic materials that help reduce indoor and outdoor pollution, and have a number of other benefits.

The reason why people do not believe this is that they have never used these products so it is difficult for them to believe that they can actually help sustain the environment. Once green homes become a mandatory thing and they become common, people will automatically see the difference and will start believing that green products are no hoax.

Myth 2: You need to discard old appliances for the new energy star rated appliances

Woman taking pepper from fridge

Some people fear turning their homes green, as they think they will have to discard their old appliances and buy new ones that have energy star rating. Well, there is no doubt that the ones with energy start rating are more efficient than the traditional appliances but you need not throw the old ones in the trash.

Green homes are not just about green appliances but they are more about green practices. If you start using your old appliances with utmost care regarding the energy usage, you can easily make them energy efficient even if they do not have the energy star rating.

Myth 3: Your existing home cannot be a green home

Energy efficency

People who believe that only a new home can be a green home, kindly wake up and get your facts right. You do not have to build a new home in order to make it green, rather bring a change in your lifestyle and your existing home can be a green home. By making a few changes in your existing home, you can increase its green quotient manifold.

Myth 4: Building a green home is too expensive

Woman's hand hold dollar bill on white background.

Everything is expensive in today’s world, so if you are expecting to make a green home free then it is your fault. Building a normal home also costs the same but the benefits a green home can give you, your normal home can never give. Some green building components are expensive but if you take into consideration their after benefits, you would never again feel that they are expensive.

On the other hand, if you spend on the purchase of components for your normal home construction, they will not really benefit you the way a green home does. Suppose you spend initially on insulating your home, it costs you much but after that, you can be ready to reap its benefits for many more years to come. It will bring down your energy costs, as you will not require much of electricity to heat up or cool down your home.

Myth 5: Green homes look like hobbit holes

Male hands holding a green hill with small house

Some people feel that all green homes are like structures hidden under grass roofs, and have no visual appeal. People get rid of these misconceptions because green homes today are as stylish to look at as traditional homes. There are solar panels installed on the roof, or maybe you get to see a small wind turbine installed, and the rest of the appearance is the same as that of any traditional home.

More and more people should swear by having a green home but some misconceptions that prevent people from doing so.

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