Child Support Payments: They aren’t just ugly, they are inevitable

Child Support Payments

It doesn’t matter whether you are the custodial parent or the non-custodial one, taking care of your child is of paramount importance. And if you are the latter kind of parent, one of the best ways to do it is to pay the former kind for child support. Usually, warring parents cannot settle on the amount and type of child support, so the court decides for those who cannot come up with a resolution on their own.

As a non-custodial parent, it is your responsibility to ensure that your child receives all the financial guidance to grow in life. But what happens when you back off from child support payments? The picture looks somewhat ugly.

There’s no excuse to back away from child support payments

custodial parent

You might get into an argument with the custodial parent about the visitation rights. Or you may harbor an intense dislike for them. In any case, no matter what scenario you are placed in, you cannot refuse to pay for child support.

You can, however, petition to the court to reduce the amount if you are in a financial crises, battling a serious illness or recently lost employment. You can also request a modification in the amount if your or the custodial parents’ marital status or income levels change.

Your location cannot protect you from making CSP

If you were in Kansas when you were ordered by the court to make child support payments, and now you are in Oklahoma, you still cannot escape from making the payments. The Uniform Interstate Family Support Act dictates that no matter where you are in the United States, you have to pay for child support.

Each state has federal records which it can access anytime and restart your enforcement procedures. So, if you are thinking about changing your home or going across state borders to run away from child support payments, think twice. The consequences will be uglier, and you will find yourself again on square one.

What if you don’t pay for child support?

Oklahoma child support payments lawyer

The consequences of not paying for child support are immensely stringent. However, if you are in serious trouble and are unable to make a payment, you can consult an Oklahoma child support payments lawyer to see if you can avoid being punished for not making the payments. If you avoid making the child support payments overtime, you may lose your job or your employer may withhold your salary. Your tax returns may also come under scrutiny by the government. Or you may end up being on the state’s Most Wanted List of Child Support Enforcements.

Your driving license, recreational license, professional license or business permits might get suspended, hampering your ability to perform everyday tasks, conduct business, or seek entertainment. Your vehicle registration may also be suspended, meaning your vehicle may no longer be yours to use for a certain amount of time.

Your passport can be denied or you may also serve jail time. And if you quit your job simply to avoid paying for child support, you assets might be seized and once more, you might be looking at jail time.

What you should do as a parent?

As a parent, it is your duty to ensure your child’s wellbeing. And by extension, this means if you have to help your child grow through financial support, then you make it happen. After all, why should your child suffer because of the divorce battle between the parents? Furthermore, you should ensure that you don’t mention any of it in front of the child. Since he or she belongs to you, it is your duty to raise that child into a well-adjusted and nature loving person. Unless a financial crisis or a severe illness is holding you up, there is no reason to back off from making child support payments to the custodial parent.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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