Compost Bin Vs Compost Tumbler: Finding The Right Fit For You

When making compost, one has to consider a large number of things and ensure that everything falls into budget. This is when the most basic question of using a bin over a tumbler turns up. Tumblers don’t come cheap and hence, you want good returns on your investment.

This decision therefore will have to be an extremely informed one. At the end of it all, you ought to know exactly what you are headed for. The first question to ask is what is the difference between the two?

To tumble obviously means that you turn your compost over in a closed container. Tumblers are available in the market in huge varieties. From the smallest of sizes to the biggest of them, you will find everything in the market. You put all the material you want into the container and turn it until it forms compost. You can either purchase a tumbler or make one; it depends on how you have planned and budgeted making your compost. It will also depend on the kind of tumbler you need in order to make your compost. For instance, tumblers that are crank operated are fixed into a frame that is stationary.

The pros and cons of the two


Apart from the shape, size, method etc. your decision shall also depend on how much time you have before you will need the compost. The time in a tumbler and that in a bin is extremely varied. If you are pooling in with more people and then making compost, then you will have to take everyone’s opinion into consideration.

There is enough material floating around and being shared about how exactly you should be handling your compost and what kind of compost do you need. Thus, gather information, narrow things down and then take a decision. You might want to bookmark the important things that you come across.

Thankfully, there is an entire community out there that can help you out. You can add what you know, take away from others and make composting a breezy affair. Moreover, a lot depends on the material you are using to make compost over the container or the time or any other factor.

Other than that, a lot depends upon the surroundings. The most important things that affect composting are –

  • The ratio of carbon to nitrogen
  • The amount of airflow and the content of moisture
  • The Mixture itself

Thus, you will have to see how aerated the container will be. You will also have to look into the method of feeding. Ensure that you don’t forget about how you have been budgeting the whole procedure or else you will end up making rash decisions. Utilise the pool of knowledge and work around things to get the best of the compost.

What is the best deal for you?


So, it all once again will come down to whether you should pick a tumbler or a bin but now you shall have information and facts in your hand. So, the decision definitely becomes easier. If you are experienced at composting, you’d be faster at making a choice. One of the compromises that you can make is use bins and keep turning them over and over and let poultry scrape into it quite often.

Also, this option will absolutely not work for you if you aren’t too tall. It will also be a failure if you aren’t strong enough. Thus, if this be the case, you better throw this idea out of the door and invest in a tumbler.

You might want to think of another way out and for all you know, you will succeed, there are umpteen ways of composting and the knowledgebase is so vast, a lifetime isn’t enough. Thus, if you don’t want to think too much, then go ahead and buy that tumbler.

Thus, a large number of factors will affect your decision to use a tumbler or a bin and you must consider every aspect before you buy.

Making compost is quite a task and choosing a container to make that is equally difficult. Thus, a lowdown on how you can make a choice based on what factors is going to be of great help.

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