Five coolest Boba Fetts created using recycled stuff

Boba Fett

A lovable bounty hunter of Star Wars, Boba Fett has become the source of inspiration for many designers to test various ideas. One of the fields of testing ideas has emerged to be recycling. Boba Fett was known for making use of the seemingly worthless pieces of junk for his own end, a perfect example of recycling. It is no surprise that things related with this famed Star Wars character has come up using recycled material. Not only do the material carry the essence of the warrior, but also are good to look at and tried.

1. Boba Hat

Boba Fett’s colorful headgear is now all yours. All you need is a used ball of yarn. Spin it into a crocheted hat, which can make others mistaken you with Boba Fett and other intergalaxial bounty hunters swooping down on you. The hat is concentrated mainly on the trademarked Fett helmet, and is quite impressive with its radiant green color and a shape that can actually leave you awestruck.

2. Fettbrick

Legos are known for bricks, but what will happen to them once you grow up? It’s time not to throw them away, like these people at Indianapolis did. Using old and new Lego blocks, they reconstructed Boba Fett to celebrate Star Wars in the city. The construction involves head and torso, and armor and gun are sorely missed by his fans.

3. Box Fett

Boba Fett has been seen robbing others with his ruthlessness and cunning nature, but have you ever seen him pleading for money? Especially in a cardboard helmet instead of a real one, which can easily give way if you want to hit him for fleecing you out of something?

Walk down to the New York’s Union Square for such a unique site. He’ll meet you in a cardboard helmet instead of a real one, playing accordion. And we used to think that this guy has no taste in music! Even worse, he was doing this to get a cup of overpriced coffee!

4. Fett Skin

Metal-scrap has become a nuisance, especially when it gives you pain to think how it can be used again, thus reducing load on natural resources. Now you have a better thing out of this. Take these metal pieces, paint them green, red and other colors, and you will get your favorite character: Boba Fett. This attempt will land you with his costume, instead of him, but that will do for a while. Wearing this costume, you can look quite intimidating, but do not think of wearing it while going to office or college!

5. Boba Scrap

There have been various kinds of sculptures, but nothing on Boba Fett can be more detailed and attractive than Sudjai’s scrap-scrap sculpture. Reaching up to 18-inch height and made up of different metal scrap-bits, this sculpture is definitely a masterpiece, immortalizing people’s favorite bounty hunter for other to revere and appreciate. This masterpiece is developed by Mai Sudjai, a Thai scrap metal sculptor. Mai was forced to deal with scrap metal sculptures due to recession in the late 1990’s, even though he had trained as an art sculptor. This sculpture is one of his first projects, which, due to its beauty, managed to bring the deserving craftsman to the world’s attention.

The sculpture has nearly all kinds of metal scrap one can find in a scrap-yard, ranging from bent and rusted screws to worn-out metal sheets. It weight about 8 pounds, displaying an array of Fett’s merchandise, such as gun and helmet, with finesse and detail that may you feel like staring at a minuscule warrior – the proof of quality of Mai’s workmanship. Recession has hit the world now and then, but one of the positives that it brought was the birth of a promising metal scrap sculptor, and a product that can make a Star Wars fan literally weep with happiness.

Today, after a long struggle, Sudjai is a popular sculptor, working on projects sanctioned by private collectors, museums, arcades, art-lovers and Hollywood. Now the bounty hunter left something behind for his creator to enjoy.

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