Creative things to make from old sweaters

Old sweaters

Everyone has got some old pile of sweaters lying or hiding in a part of the closet or dresser. The reason for it is because they either go out of fashion or does not fit anymore. They are consuming a good part of your closet without being used. Why not do something new, fun and practical with our old unused sweaters to something more beneficial which can be used again. Here are some creative ways to reuse the stack of old sweaters lying in your wardrobe for several years.

1. For pets

You can cut out your old sweaters as patches and can work them up together to make a pet bed. Give the pet bed a funky look so that your pet loves it by cutting patches from a variety of colorful old sweaters. It will keep your pet warm throughout the season of winters.

In addition to the pet bed, you can also make a couple of tiny little sweaters for your pets from your old pile of sweaters to keep them warm during the chilling weather.

2. Skirt or leggings for kids

To keep your kids warm and cosy, you can make a variety of clothing items for your kids with the unused sweaters. You can turn your old sweater into a great pair of leggings or a woolen skirt of your child’s size by judiciously cutting it and then tailoring it.

3. Stuffed toys

Whether for kids or for adults, stuffed toys are a wonderful thing to gift, to decorate or to be played with. By using your old sweaters, you can make stuffed toys such as pigs, chicken, rabbit, lambs etc. You can even make stuffed toys at home using your unused woolen clothing and sell them online or at any toy shops.

4. Mittens and hats

Crafting of mittens and hats by reusing old sweaters is a great idea. You can make matching mittens and hats with a sweater and wear them in winters. Mittens or hats can also be made for giving out as holiday gifts to your family, relatives or friends.

5. Woolen slippers

To keep your foot warm throughout winter, you can make slippers from your old sweaters. Sweaters can be easily transformed into woolen slippers and you can wear them anytime back at home or under your shoes.

6. Recycled sweater handbags

Trendy and big sweater handbags can be made with a large size old sweater. To make it look more stylish you can attach leather handles into the bag or even can use strips cut from the sweater. You can also further add some colorful buttons to make it more pretty.

7. Mobile or laptop cozy

Old sweaters can be crafted into convenient and funky cozies for mobiles, laptops, teapots, etc. For mobile cozies, you can attach a piece of stretchable string in order to close the mouth of the cozy. In the laptop cozy, to keep the case closed add a zipper into it.

There are several other things too which you can make from your old sweaters.

Old sweaters for home decor

  1. Recycled sweater pillows
  2. Recycled sweater baskets
  3. Recycled sweater wreath
  4. Felted wool sweater blanket
  5. Recycled-sweater picnic blanket
  6. Wool area rugs made from recycled sweaters
  7. Recycle a sweater into a chair covers
  8. Embellished blanket with recycled sweaters
  9. Beverage sleeves & coasters
  10. Recycled sweater ornaments
  11. Winter sweater wreath

Old sweaters for fashion

  1. Recycled sweater coin purse
  2. Winter garden scarf
  3. Easy felted sweater mittens
  4. Recycled sweater bag
  5. Recycled sweater overnight bag
  6. Recycled sweater box bag
  7. Neck warmers
  8. Snugly slippers from old sweaters
  9. Quick, easy & super cool bracelets
  10. Awesome scarves created from your old sweaters
  11. Cute & warm winter caps
  12. Remake of old sweaters into springy cardigans
  13. Turn a second hand wool sweater into a cute little jumper
  14. Recycled sweater wool jewelry
  15. Recycled sweater vest bag
  16. You can turn them into Long Johns
  17. Upcycled sweater boots

Go through your closet, find the pile of sweaters which are gorgeous and you could not bear to part with. All you need to know is that the sweaters are never outdated and is of less use. You can turn those stack of old unwanted sweaters into something very important and useful in your daily lives. The right and appropriate use of them can make yourself surprised.

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