Elastic Plastic Form – A contemporary art made with contemporary materials

Zachary Futterer has indeed created a sculpture out of things that we would normally discard – plastic forks, elastic bands and cardboard tubes. He has ‘married’ these objects together and has shown that products that have different purposes, properties and shapes can also be dependent on one another for attaining physical stability. In order to demonstrate this very simple though, Futterer put together various modules of clear plastic forks, small cardboard tubes and elastic bands by joining together the cardboard tubes via slit joints and the end of the clear plastic forks to give the model a very cubic look. This entire sculpture has been done without using any glue or adhesive agent. The look of the Elastic Plastic Form in its entirety can be termed as interestingly rugged in which numerous white colored cardboard tubes have been placed in an abstract manner along with clear plastic forks that join them together like links to create one single entity that can manage to withstand and hold on its own.

Elastic Plastic Form

The Elastic Plastic Form is indeed a very creative object that shows that many abstract works of art can be created by using modern-day items that we very often use and discard. Making art out of such plastic forks and used cardboard tubes can be a very creative and challenging job, but once you create something, then the effort seems worthwhile all the more! Like Futterer’s creation of the Elastic Plastic Form, there are many other modern products, made out of plastic, that can be given a new lease of life by inventing something artistic and creative out of them.

Not only will it be appreciated as a fine work of modern art, but it will also help in reducing the overspilling landfills and also help in reducing the ill effects of plastic if we recycle and reuse the same. Zachary Futterer has rightly observed that all living or even non-living things are interdependent on one another for existence which is highlighted by the Elastic Plastic Form. From this sculpture, we come to understand that cooperation and interdependence are important for us to gain a foothold and to remain stable, else all will fall apart if the balance breaks.

The Elastic Plastic Form sends across a subtle and profound message that a fine balance can be achieved no matter what size, shape, material or function any of the materials have in order to create a fine work that has its own definition.

Via: Behance Network

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