Green animals maintain balance of the eco-system

Animals and plants add to maintaining the natural balance of the environment. They behave and are useful to maintain eco-friendly conditions. They are considered ‘Green Animals’. Many are on the verge of extinction because of hunting and lack of sustainable environment for their growth.

ball python

Ball Python

It got its name because of its nature to shrink into a ball when it senses danger. Found in Africa, it was once used as ornaments by the African rulers. Their food includes mice, shrews and rats. Thus grooming these pythons prevent the overpopulation of these animals thus balancing the hazardous effect they would have to the nature.



Woodpeckers survive of the diet of insects and termites. These birds control the growth of termites, which otherwise harm the wood used in your house. Both the species Northern Flicker and West Indian Woodpecker are characterized to keep the population of pest in control. However, the only restriction is that they are inhabitant of the Grand Cayman only.

Fennec Fox

Fennec Fox

They are characterized by a hearing quality of finding animals or rodents that are hidden underground. These underground animals are their prey and hence they keep their population under control. These are of great help in farms. They are harmless to the humans and livestock. Hunting is a great threat to their population. Moreover, the fox is an inhabitant of Sahara Deserts and maintains the level of water supply since they can survive without water for a long period.

 African Grey Parrot

African Grey Parrot

This bird stays in the tropical forest. It has the characteristic of dispensing seeds that remain undigested through its guano. Some of the species of this bird thrive on nectar thus helping pollination in plants. Moreover, tamed parrots have shown that their intelligence is higher than chimpanzees and dolphins. Train them well and see the way they maintain a balanced eco-system around you.



The ring tailed lemur is an inhabitant of Madagascar. You can see them popularly on posters that promote eco-friendly messages. They are similar to the African Grey Parrot and thrive on fruits. They scatter the seeds that are undigested throughout the forest. These then sprout and convert into green vegetation cover all across.


Eco-friendly animals can help maintain the balance of the eco-system. Popularly called the green animals, their existence is important for a better environment.

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