How essential is recycling grass and leaves

Little acts of care can go a long way. Everything in this world has some value and recycling has taught us that. Recycling grass and leaves is not only easy but it is one of the best ways of doing your bit for keeping your surroundings cleaner and greener, without losing a single dollar. You may be used to raking the lawn surrounding your home and gather the fallen leaves in small mounds. Then you collect those yellowish leaves and pack them in a bundle and get rid of it. Chucking out the yard leaves is not a smart idea. By recycling the fallen leaves and grasses you give back to the nature a considerable percentage of what you have received from it. We usually pack the leaves and mowed grass into plastic bags. As plastic is non-biodegradable it doesn’t easily decay. The leaves can add up to the amount of total garbage and cause more landfill. Using the leaves again in a meaningful way is something that we all should try.


Why should you take interest in grass and leaves recycling

Grass and leaves recycling has become necessary due to the scarcity of land. Your yard garbage doesn’t vanish into thin air. It is collected by the municipality and dumped in a far away land specified for this purpose. Huge acres of lands are filled with garbage. Recycling your yard garbage, that mostly contains fallen leaves and mown grass, reduces the amount of household wastes. If this is practiced at every household then soon the landfill rates and global pollution rates will come down. It is one of the many ways in which you can contribute in preserving natural resources.

How can you recycled grass and leaves

  • Grassrecycling- You want to maintain your lawn and yard and so every once in a while you mow the lawn and trim the plants. If you leave the grass and leaves on your lawn grounds after mowing or trimming you will be Grassrecycling. It is simplest way of recycling grass and leaves. They slowly get merged into the soil, saving you the cost of fertilizers for your plants.
  • Make Compost: This is easy too. All you need to do is to pile all the mown grass and fallen leaves together and keep pilling for a while. Soon you will have a rich supply of compost that you can use throughout the year for landscaping.

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